yam created a topic of Eternal Covenant


yam created a topic of Homeless/No Home

hey so this made me bawl my eyes out!

why r baek chuns lips significantly more glossy than the others

yam created a topic of In the Doghouse

every chapter of this is flipping edging me istg

is that actually the ending or..

yam created a topic of Age of arrogance

should i start reading this or nottt, idk some of the comments are making it sound bad and i don’t rlly wna waste my time but i’ve been letting this marinate ever since the first few chapters

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yam created a topic of Doctor Resignation

ok she’s actually pissing me off is she flipping stupid like does he have to spell out the phrase i love u for u to understand like he’s pinning u on a bed and saying i want you to stay with me for the rest of my life like r u stupid she’s so dumb it’s actually annoying.


bro i’m so mad why were literally all the problems resolved in the last four chapters what??? and so many flipping questions were left unanswered??

like how on earth did the empress get involved w that noe guy like dd she nt get executed of?? also
we didn’t even get a proper explanation about who noe was and the way he was defeated was so stupid?? like oh the magician got caught but then died like??? can this guys no teleport? thats actually so disappointing the ending had sm potential bro that was literally so disappointing

also like what was that bit abt her subconscious abt i didn’t get it at all. it was the most waffle ever it was literally sososo rushed? like i feel like that was an important part of the story i feel like the whole resolving issues arc could’ve been twenty chapters at LEAST not flipping four pmg.

And the engagement they had was shit bro the first engagement where they literally sacrificed someone??? ALSO OMG WHERE DID THE DRAGON COME FROM???? like i swear it was just the dog that came out of the portal thing why was the dragon there asw??? bro i’m actually so mad the plotline was too good for the author to rush the ending like that.

but honestly im still gna rate the story high bc cl it’s actually a rlly good story if u ignore the ending (which is difficult because it was what the whole story was flipping leading up to but oh well!)

yam created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

wait what chapter it that ijin told his grandpa abt his childhood?

bro this could’ve been a cool concept if it came up earlier on in the manhwa like i feel like the author was waiting for this scene for a while considering the “hinting” we got but the way it was delivered honestly just makes it seem really random esp at this point in the story

yam created a topic of Age of arrogance

is now a good time to start reading this or should i let it marinate for longer

yam asked a question

any underrated manhwas w a female lead going back in time or reincarnating idrc what plot it has as long as it’s a plot that actually makes sense and isn’t fast paced in the first few chapters, preferrably one w good art and over 30 chapters! and no love triangles. tysm!

tired of this shii cmon now right before she actually makes herself useful and talks to the guy she flipping faints brooooo ugh

yam created a topic of I Can See Your Death

i cba to reread the whole thing and i doubt that’ll help me understand better i js need someone to explain what’s actually going on rn cuz it’s looking too interesting to drop

yam created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised


yam created a topic of I Thought It Was Time!

i hate obsessive characters like doha man i always feel bad for them

his imagination, in fact, did not go wild