Nah...for me it only goes as far as yaoi...yanno fictional manga or anime guys...Maybe it's bcuz I'm asexual...might be different for other fujoshis but gay men are just gay men to me...I don't rlly care about em. They're on the same level as the other sexualities.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ reply
It was a beautiful day at the age of seven...I looked onto my Facebook account and discovered a challenge. Then...I watched the anime it came from...
It was Boku no Pico. The end
For read...Mmn after I watched Yoi I liked for YakuzaXPolice manga and found Honto Yajuu...I think Yuri on ice came out two yrs reply
First anime was Chobits and first manga...well I didn't even know manga was a thing until I tried searching for news on a season three of Kimi ni Kimi ni Todoke was my first manga 1 reply