Note that the raw chapters are messed up. raw 1 = chapter 2, raw 2 = chapter 3 and so on. Without further ado, lets start. I'm going to do this really briefly and talk only on the main points. If you have any minor details that you want to know, ask away. Please do give page number if you want to know about that particular scene in details.
The summary is brief so i left out abit of details. Mostly on chapter 3 since there are actually talking in there while chapter 4 and 5 are just sex sex sex and more sex for us.
TL;DR: Chapter 3 = Dai's impression of Ao, Dai's sadist mode, start of sex
Chapter 4 and 5 = lots and lots and lots of sex, with foreplay and all that crap, ending is just Dai's change of thoughts for Ao.
Chapter 3 (AKA RAW 2)
>Chapter starts with Dai talking about how he like cats and give 0 fucks to people.
>He thinks Ao is like a lil kitty (Duh, neko, gedit? NEKO, ok forget it). That cold and expressionless face, that soft body and that seductive eyes.
>But now back to reality, Ao is holding the vibrator making the happy face. Dai thinks the contrast is really moe (remember how Ao was super embarassed about this whole thing)
>While Dai was regaining his composure, Ao starts to apologize cuz he didnt ask about Dai's opinion on this whole thing, cuz he just want to make this work.
>Now they go into eating desserts and chill, mostly chill.
>Ao thinks the part that Dai likes eating dessert, in contrast to how he looks, is really moe, then proceeds to blame himself for making the mood bad.
>Dai brushed him off for that crap but is more concerned about the 'experienced friends' part.
>Turns out Ao went to a crossdress pub on the night before, made some friends and they taught him stuff, plus Ao been doing his homework, alot, cuz he really wants to has the snu snu with Dai.
>Dai was so happy hearing all that and was feeling and bliss, then turned into sadist mode by asking Ao about what he was taught and he got really jelly when Ao was blushing.
>He gave Ao a hot kiss then asked him to go to bed.
Chapter 4:
>So they go to bed, start with some kissy kissy foreplay then Ao freaked out saying he wanna take a bath but was retained by Dai with some kinky play (he licked Ao's armpit and say about how he doesn't hate the sweat anyway)
>What happens next are pretty much self explanatory with pictures. They are basically just hentai plot now so I'll skip this part since ya'll can guess what its saying but if you insist on knowing what is happening in details, drop a message or comment or something but really, its just porn plot thats self explainatory with pictures.
>oh and the part where u see Ao trying to cover up his dick cuz of embarassment, Dai starts teasing Ao if he is intentionally not covering up the yaoi hole which of course is denied cuz his hands are just not big enough to cover both the tent and the cave.
>Last few pages are about Ao asking if Dai was angry cuz he looks pissed and ask if what he did was unnecessary. Dai answered him, saying, 'I wanted to teach you starting from zero.'
>Ao succumbs to it and tells Dai to tell him what Dai wants him to do (basically he wants to follow Dai's original plan), cuz he so horny he really want to do it
>Chapter cliffhangs with Dai saying he got super duper hyper excited. or 'excited'
Chapter 5:
>Chapter starts with more hentai plot, sex talks and teasing.
>Most part are self explanatory with pictures.
>In between Ao starts tearing up, Dai apologizes and wants to pull out cuz he thought Ao was in great pain. Turns out Ao was just so happy, he doesn't know how to explain it but it felt super good when Dai put it in and asked Dai to try moving.
>As expected, Dai got even more 'excited'
>More sex and after round one, Dai asked for another round aaaaand Ao fell asleep.
>Last page is basically like a summary of Dai for Ao
1. Outside, he has a proud personality. <-- Cute
2. Inside/At home, he really likes to act spoiled/be spoiled. <-- Super Cute
3. Is actually very active/motivated <--- Surprising (I'm sorry, my english isn't good enough to translate this word, it's basically about how he got alot of motivation (?) to take action)
4. When the switch got flipped, he is actually super erotic <--- THE B E S T!!
5. But he can only do it once, then he will be out of power <--- ......
>Welp, ends with just him asking if Ao's body is alright and Ao getting all flustered, and Dai thinking about how he gotten himself a cute lover.

Long story short
>Ken pinned down Kirara
>Flashback to young Kirara being super oblivious and got saved by Ken before getting abducted or something
>Kirara asks if Ken likes him
>Ken brushed him off cuz there no way he likes a guy
>Heartbroken Kirara seen by the aniki and he brushed it off as nothing happened
>Didn't talk after the incident and summer vacation started
>Kirara went to dubai and came back in 1 panel
>Gave souvenirs to Yamaguchi and Kirara became even more effeminate than before, called a pettanko by Yamaguchi and almost mistaken as a girlfriend by the mom (Yamaguchi's)
>Yamaguchi asked why the piercing though, flashback to Kirara's mom picking up a piercing but doesn't want her ears pierced cuz according to some myth you get bad luck for piercing your ears. Kirara hears it and be like, then lemme pierce my ears cuz he want to change (his luck)
>Introduction of a new transfer student where Kirara calls him short at the back and ends with how Kirara was like his luck cant get any worse anyway

Kirara: Its nothing. I just went to the barber for a bit (tidying up the hair part)
*Background: Camel shaped chocolate*
Yamaguchi: You look exactly like a flat chested girl
Kirara: .....
Yamaguchi: Moreover, why did you pierce your ears?
Kirara: Is it weird?
Yamaguchi: It's not but actually that looks pretty good on you.
Kirara: Then isnt it fine
*Yamaguchi's mom at the corner: Eh? He looks just like a girlfriend*
Kirara: There really isn't a reason.
*Flash back starts on the last panel at the very bottom, speech bubble said: 'Ah, this, its so cute <3'* Where in the next page it is shown that it's said by Kirara's mother.

It wasn't mention, it was only introduced as a new student starting second semester. The only thing we know is his name and he is short (Kirara said it)
Well, I'm guessing that its another competitor who will be going after Kirara, then Ken realizes his own feeling and everything plays out as all the typical BL we read lmao

If you are referring to the reason why Ken pushed Kirara out, it's probably cuz of Kirara asking Ken if he likes him, which makes Ken realizing it and getting all conscious about it. Hence pushing Kirara out of the house cuz he wanted some 'space and time' to think about it, but that's just my guess. The manga only showed Kirara asking Ken the question and Ken's reaction (there are no speech bubbles along with his reactions), then proceed to the push out of the house scene.

Awwe that's suppperrr sweeett of u.. Thanks a million times! Please do give a bit of summary.. I'll be waiting

Page 15:
Kirara: Ken... by any chance.. do you like me?
Ken flinched right after that, ensues with the awkward silence in page 16 along with Kirara's thumping heart.
Page 17:
Ken: No way.
Then he proceeds to facepalm and shove Kirara outta his face.
Page 18:
Ken: I'm just trying to scare you a little cuz you were too noisy. More over, why would I like another guy.
Kirara: HAH?! At this point you are still talking about 'this'?! You even licked my nipple!!
Page 19:
Kirara: Does that also count as just 'scaring me a little'?!
Ken: Yeah whatever. Ok, time to go, get out.
Kirara: Don't joke/fuck with me you jerk!

Hey so what is there convo pages 3-7? Like what are they thinking/doing when Ken pushes kirara down etc? Thanks so much!

Page 3
Right after Ken pushed down Kirara and kissed him.
Kirara thoughts: My head... can't make do/make sense of this situation.
After more kissing
Kirara's thoughts: Ah, shit. I'm starting to get a little dizzy.
Page 4
Intense sexy stare by Kirara
Ken(panel 2 literally shows him licking his lips): What are you doing?
Kirara: Eh?
Page 5
Ken: Not struggling or resisting it, don't you feel troubled by it? Baka Kirara, so you can do it with anyone as long as it feels good?
Kirara: What?!!!
Page 6
Kirara attempting to punch Ken in the face, got grabbed by his fist, and pushed downwards.
Ken: Oi, I get infuriated every time I see you.
Page 7
Kirara: Let me go you jerk!
Ken: No way asshole.
Then it proceeds to Ken sucking on Kirara's tits with Kirara starting to moan Ken's name.

THANKS!!! You're my favorite person in the world right now it was literally killing me not being able to understand the dialogue in those pages!!!

Doesn't Kirara imply that with the new transfer arrival his lucky got even worse mean that cutie (might) will go after Ken? It sounds that way to me :/

Ya see, the lucky part is about the dubai trip. According to Kirara's mom, she said that piercings will change a person's luck for the worse. Kirara was like, then why don't he do a piercing, if 'a change of luck' can change his current predicament, then so be it, implying that he wanted the situation to change. Then we move onto the transfer student section (page 32), where Kirara first said something about the new transfer student being short, then said something along the lines 'My luck cannot get any worse.'
That statement is most likely a follow up to the statement on page 31 on him mentioning him wanting to change his situation (luck).

Page 32:
Kirara makes the kissy face, Ken be like, 'wot?'
Kirara mentions about how everytime when Ken leaves there would be something like a 'goodbye kiss', so this time he prepared himself for it. Then Ken took the chance and went for it.
Page 33:
Kirara kinda surprised/embarassed about it and mentioned so Ken still kissed him after all. Ken replied about how Kirara is making a really kissable face and that makes him feel very infuriating and followed up with more kisses.
Page 34:
Right after the follow up kiss, he provokes(?) Kirara about how he stinks of milk. Right when Ken leaves, he bumped into Kirara's mom who was really sorry about Kirara's requests. Ken just said that its ok and left. Kirara noticed that Ken arced his back while he left. (personal note: thats a boner alright lmao)

>Story starts with Yui and Maiko (the ex gf) visiting the niichan
>Yui starts tricking to niichan to open the door
>Niichan is pissed cuz he told Yui not to come over if he didn't call for him
>He realized there was a girl next to Yui and just when he was asking who tf is she, she tasered him in his face (Yui said 'Im sorry niichan', the girl said 'Hello, nice to meet you [Hajimemashite])
>Tasered, in lots of pain, the girl urges Yui to quickly tie up Niichan, and talked about how people don't just faint if you taser it so hurry up and tie him up.
>Flashback to Yui and Maiko in Maiko's room, when they touched on the topic with niichan
>she explains that its a rather depressing topic but since Yui already told her everything, she might as well tell him all, but all to be kept a secret
>she brough out a rather old box and called it a pandora box she found when she was young
>she pick the freaking lock like some assassin creed shit and then talked about how her father actually had criminal records
>Yui was surprised (who wouldnt be lol) and Maiko continued to talk about how her mother tried really hard to hide it but all those gossips eventually ended up to her and she knows everything (she will definitely do a good job working at baskin robbins)
>she was really pissed about it cuz it totes have nothing to do with her but because of her father's records, she was dragged down along with it and talked about these black spots that tainted her family's reputation was kept down in that box
>Yui's thinking <a notebook and pictures of a lil boy? is he naked?>
>Maiko said that her dad was caught cuz he laid his hands on a lil boy, a criminal, pedophile, and the lil kid in the picture, is the niichan thats going out with Yui rn (ok tbh the niichan was pretty cute as a kid lmao)
>Flashback ends, back to reality
>Maiko taught Yui how to use to taser (to do some bdsm shit, just kidding kek)
>Maiko complains about the shitty apartment and like oh well fuck that, ok im off to search and delete the stuffs he filmed and photographed about u ok
>Niichan gains consciousness, 'OI YOU BITCH, TF U DOING AND WHO TF ARE YOU??????'
>basically niichan questioning Yui on what tf he trying to pull and Yui threatens niichan with the fucking taser
>Niichan starts to think abt the motive and shit, his lines : 'Revenge? hah, and you actually asked for help from a woman? you lil piece of shit im gonna kill u'
>Yui starts questuoning Niichan if he actually sees himself in Yui and start to overlap the 2 of them
>Niichan was confused af and Yui said, 'So.. Thats why you are so pissed when I ran away from you those years ago'
>Niichan starts getting abit frightened and tried to back away
>Yui said that Niichan doesnt actually like little boys, he is just doing things that were done to him a long time ago, and from Yui, he saw his young self through him.
>Niichan starts to realize that Yui probably knows what happened
>Yui proceeds to reveal the truth, 'Maiko is actually the daughter of the 'jiisan'(uncle) that niichan loved so much
>Yui, 'These two person are so in love with each other...' as he flipped through the notebook
>Maiko said its a lil gross, the kind of stuff that a full grown ass man wrote to a little boy, all that poem and cringey shit
>Albeit she doesn't really get it as to why didn't it get kept away, or just burn it straight. And seeing all these shit is going to give u emotional trauma (lol)
>Then she said about how relieved she felt to finally tell it to someone else cuz its really hard to swallow all this down alone
>She started to sulk about how Yui was so absorbed into book and doesnt even give a shit to his EX gf here kek
>Yui started crying, Maiko got concerned, Yui said that the whole things wrote into the book is basically the stuff Niichan does to him
>Then Yui starts to question if Niichan really loved him cuz the relationship ended the moment Maiko's father got caught, and he felt super jealous and shiz like damnit im not going to lose to this old man and stuff
>Quote and lines by Maiko, 'This person, wanted to be love and embrace like my father, but is incapable of being loved. But he have no courage, nor any confidence, so he can only target weak children who doesn't know how to say no, then take pictures or records of the sex as an outlet for his emotional stress...'
>He just wanted to be loved
>Yui said, 'It can be proved...'
> ConfusedMaiko.jpg
>'Hey Maiko help me with something' (with abduction yay jk)
>Flashback ends, back to reality peeps
>PanickingNiichan.jpg cuz he was like eh what huh maiko is uncle's daughter???????
>Line by Yui, 'Cuz of Maiko's birth, you got abandoned, that was definitely so hurtful... Till now you still have not forgot about it right? The thing about uncle
>Niichan get super flustered and like oh shit what now and be like, nope its not like that
>Yui turned seme, Ok niichan, now im gonna embrace you
>Line/Quote by Yui, 'Poor thing, abandoned by the very person whom you loved so much, and then rejected by everyone around you resulting in you lack of confidence. Its okay, I'll prove it to you, let me love you'
>Flashback (ver. Niichan)
[Note I will be completely translating Niichan's monologue here]
This is the thing that uncle who was a tuition teacher kept saying...
"We can't do something like this again"
Why not? No matter how many times I asked, I never got an acceptable/solid answer
"It must end now... Maiko.. My daughter will be born soon..."
A warmth different from that of a father
'I like uncle.. I love you...'
i love you the most
I don't know when and how, our relation seem to have leaked out
The police, my mother and a lot of people asked me different kinds of questions, and i answered a lot of them
What that can be said and what that can't be, I don't know any of it, and no one bothered to clarify for me, and no one listened to my opinion/side of the story
"But uncle and I are really in love with each other"
[What a poor child, how sad of it], the adults looked at me
[So strange/different, so gross/disgusting], the children looked at me
And from then on, my 'correction' started
if I am just a little different from my parents' ideal, I will have to be disciplined
[We have to treat you perverted side]
[Why can't you be normal]
[Just look at you, you disgusting filth]
[A child like you that embarasses his own mother]
[You are better off dead]
If i really continue like this, I really had to die
I tried my hardest to play the part of a normal son
I gotten myself a girlfriend that I have absolutely no interest in as a cover
Its not easy but I done it, I left my home and gotten the freedom I seek
And then, I met Yui
"What yare you doing?"
"Playing poke the ants"
"Uwah, poor ants"
(Kids are so gentle and so cute)
(Maybe uncle started to talk to me cause of that as well)
(If there is a kid like this that accepts me from the bottom of his heart)
Then the one who was wrong, was him, isnt that right?
>Temporarily back to present for the hot sex
>Flashback again
Niichan: I have pretty fun games at my home, wanna come over and play?
Yui: Are there games where you beat down monsters and eat them?
Niichan: yup
Yui: I wanna go!
>Back to reality, sex ended
>Maiko pissed, 'just look at this guy, why tf does he look like he is the victim and shit'
>Yui shushes Maiko and she goes to wait outside
>Niichan feels super sad rn and like i wanna die
>Yui comforts him and its ok and with the 2 of them they will definitely be happy
>He assures niichan that if they follow the rules of society and live their lives are honest people, it won't be so painful to live
>Niichan disagrees and said that Yui will not understand it, a love not blessed by others will never be accepted
>Yui kisses on niichan and asked if he didnt shave and they talk abt misc stuff
>Niichan asked if he was the one responsible for twisting Yui's life like this
>Yui agrees and hopes that niichan will take responsibility and he wants to be together with niichan forever, he even made his resolve to abandon everything if needed
>Yui then talks about how he loves niichan and he will be back tomorrow
>Tomorrow comes, Yui rings the bell but no answer, 'Come out god damnit' and chapter ends.
(text is copy pasted from a BL based LINE group, do let me know if you are interested for I may or may not occasionally be translating or summarizing chinese raws for some mangas im interested in)

Holy shit, thank you!!!!

Can I have the link please ;;A;;

Shirou realized his own feelings, went to Masami's house/apartment, prolly cuz he wanted to talk it out. His phone rang, it was Mako, she went to the beach alone and called Shirou to come over or she will get in the sea water. Shirou getting all scared about the kid in her belly, went before. Masami asked for a kiss as a final memento for his unrequited love, only to get pushed away by Shirou cuz in Shirou's head, if he kisses Masami, it will really be over for the both of them. He apologizes and rushed over to Mako. Yada yada and Mako talked about how her pregnancy was fake. It was just an attempt to make Shirou care for her more. She realized that Shirou doesn't actually love her and there is someone constantly on his mind. He escorted her back and then rushed over to Masami cuz he wanted to see him. Flashbacks on the part when he was talking with Mako about Mako telling him to be more frank/straightforward to the person he likes. He confesses to Masami like any typical cliche yaoi and then sex ensues with Masami keep on teasing Shirou to say stuffs. After sex (next morning), flashback on brief summary of what happened last night and also his whole relationship and about how much of a douchebag he was. And then towards the scene where he escorted Mako to the train and asking her about the thing that he 'wanted' cuz apparently he is still confused like a lost child he was. And the whole thing ended with just him agreeing with what Mako said about the thing he 'wanted'.
Its a brief summary so no hate pl0x
Chapt 6 chinese raws are out so here is the summary
Chapter starts with a little flashback on Kei's part, I'll use dialogue here.
Mother: How disappointing
Mother: Your work is a lie, the thing with a lover is also a lie. All you do is just reading all this weird books.
Kei: ........
Mother: You are already at this age. Do you really still need us to educate you like how we did before?
Mother: Go and throw all these away, this instant. Then come back to home right after. Do not continue and bring more shame to us, and be a proper person.
*Kei's face is pretty much self explanatory here, one of an anxiety attack*
Skipping to the present we have Yui and Maiko having a conversation.
Yui is complaining how Kei is longer meeting him even though he went to see him everyday.
Maiko questions if what they did was over the line which Yui replied him having no idea about it but he did indeed confirm his feeling with Kei.
Right when Yui was contemplating about how weird it was, Maiko talked about how when she was deleting everything, she found an apartment contract termination letter where to Yui's shock, as he didn't know he asked why didn't Maiko tell him sooner which she only replied that she forgot about it and just remembered.
Yui then said that Kei's parents are most likely there to make him go back to his old home. Then Maiko talked about how Kei's parents are the kind thats so stubborn where they wouldn't budge no matter what so they must be serious about bringing Kei back home. Right when Yui was feeling sympathy to how Kei's is going to be bound, Maiko interrupted him with the 'If you leave I will spread all those photos' and asked Yui's opinion on it. Yui talked about how she seems to be enjoying all this where she just stood up and gave the bye bye, while saying how she resented Kei. Last panel is just how the other boys are talking about how Yui strike on a really nice girl and getting jealous which Yui just replied with them day dreaming too much.
While Yui is walking back home, he was thinking about how what if even after spreading those photos he still can't make Kei stay and escaping, which ends with him thinking about stalking Kei by observing him at all times, he saw the moving truck in front of Kei's place. Yui instantly ran over towards Kei and grab onto him. (I will be using dialogues here)
Yui: Why!? I really don't get what do you mean at this point!!
Kei: ... You.. are too clingy/greedy
Yui: Do you plan to move out from here?
Yui: Why? Is it not enough?
Yui: Me... My...
Kei: No.. No....
Kei: I just wanted to live my life normally
Kei: I'm already tired from all this resisting
Yui: .... Poor you, to be forced into this kind of a corner...
Kei: That kind of choice, was a mistake.
Yui: Hey, at least, I'm no longer a child
Yui: Look... right...
Kei: I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess
Kei: I am not just a coward, but also a sick, cunning and shameless adult
*Right after Yui tried to kiss on Kei, he got pushed back*
*Then Kei started having some sort of panic/anxiety attack*
Kei: Can't do anything, no responsibility, so heavy, I'm scared, I want to escape, I'm sorry, so sorry
Yui: Don't do the same thing Maiko's dad did to you...
Yui: Don't run away, wait for me.
Yui: Leave everything behind and come to my side.
Yui: Nii-chan, I'm begging you.
Yui: The only one who can forgive and understand nii-chan, in this world, is me and me only.
Kei: Goodbye, Yui.
Time skips to Kei at his own home.
Mother: Kei, welcome back, come and give your greetings
Kei: .... And this woman is?
Mother: Someone I have sought to cure you of your disease.
Kei: Disease...
Woman: There are many people of 'that' kind became like that because of a tragic past
Woman: Don't worry and leave it all to me
Woman: This is just a treatment.
*The following panels were all voices, which i presumed to be by the woman and the mother*
Woman: You don't have any feminine traits right?
Woman: It's all that pervert's fault for teaching you all that weird stuff.
Woman: Mother said that we had to make you get used to this.
Woman: We must cure you no matter what.
Mother: The money, we will take it of it so don't think too much of it.
Mother: Kei, please listen to mother.
Mother: Just take it as a practice, okay?
Mother: We only wanted you to live your happy life as a normal person.
*Scene skips to the woman performing sexual acts with Kei and Kei have been vomiting*
Woman: You have been vomiting every time, looks like this is not a light case.
*It then cuts out to a completely black screen with the words, 'Even with this, do I still count as an abnormal?'*
Scene cuts to Kei contemplating about things.
He have been thinking that after the Ojisan has embraced him, his body has become weird. Even when he masturbated, he would be doing the strange/perverted things.
And to confirm his 'abnormality' he put his hands on a child like Yui, and the aim was such an ugly sight. Even though he have been in all this pain, he started to wonder, what is the ojisan doing now?
A voice started to call out to Kei, turns out it was the mother. She was nagging how he have been sitting at home the whole day and doing nothing, and that beats the whole purpose of bringing him home. Then Kei started to walk out, under the pretense of 'searching for a job cuz its right about time.'
He then arrived at a detective place and asked for them to look for his 'sensei'.
Skips again to Yui and Maiko. The cheery blossoms are blossoming early this year, albeit the cold weather. They had some small talk about their exam results where they both passed. But Yui is not happy. The message he sent was not even read (I'm assuming he sent it to Kei). He then talked about how he should just go to Kei's home but was refuted by Maiko about how that would just make things messier. Yui went silent after that but the silence was broken when Maiko mentioned that its not gonna be easy for Kei to stay at home for so long, so even after he went back, he would still someday escape from it, and reassuring Yui to not worry.
Yui then talked about how he was scared of Maiko right from the start, Maiko replied if Yui wanted a fight then talked about how Yui have a terrible personality and stuff, small talk whatever.
Skips to Kei again, with him already having the report from the detectives, he is wandering around a district and found the ojisan. He greeted the old man a good morning with a speeding heartbeat where the ojisan only replied if Kei has anything to do with him as if he completely doesn't know him. A child then ran out of the house (the ojisan's kid) with the mother telling him the hurry up cuz he gonna be late, right after that when he turned back, Kei has already been gone.
*Kei threw away the detective report* (I'll do the monologue translation)
It has already been 19 years. Its to be expected, he doesn't know.
It's not that I'm expecting anything, its just that, thinking about what I should do. Clearly, it clearly it just that... Ah.. This pain... This cruelty...
[Don't do the same thing to me, what Maiko's father did you to]
I did...the same thing to Yui... At the same place, dragged him into this mess... Made him cry... And what did I gain? Satisfaction? Yui...
Skips back to Kei coming back home
Mother: Kei, welcome back, we have been waiting for you for so long.
Kei: Enough, go back.
Mother: What are you talking about, we have spent so much on your treatment
Kei: I say, I'm not sick
Kei: What is normality?
Kei: Is it being able to do what you want to do?
Kei: But I really don't understand
Kei: I really don't
Time skip again to Yui, at this point he is all grown up as a uni student. Short hair girl is Maiko after her new refreshing haircut.
Maiko talked about how Yui has changed, as if he is more relaxed now.
It's already summer and he still have not gotten a reply from Kei.
Yui talked about how he doesn't want to wait anymore and wanted to use the summer to find out Kei's home which Maiko joked about how Yui is being like a stalker now.
Yui talked about how he is not going to accept how things are right now especially after him confirming both their feelings to be mutual. Maiko then talked about how she have no idea how does Yui view this but the bonds and relation between family (Kei and his family) are really hard to cut off.
Yui depressingly talked about how maybe he is not worth for Kei to cut off ties with his family and Maiko is just cheering him up right after. Right when Yui was talking about how Maiko is being a total tsundere he spotted someone that looked like Kei but turns out he was mistaken.
Maiko talked about how he gave her a scare and he explained what he jz saw. Maiko then told Yui to turn around where Kei was literally standing behind him.
(I will be using dialogue again for this part)
Kei: Yui...
Kei: I have been hesitating if I should contact you...
Kei: ...Coincidentally.. We really met again... coincidentally...
Yui: Niichan...
Yui: I... I have always.. Been waiting for you...
*Maiko getting irritated*
Maiko: Im going back
Kei: Uhm.. that... wait... Maiko-chan...
*Maiko clearly really angry as hell and sits the eff down (Behind her 'Huh? Maiko-chan? [RAGE]*
Kei: With ojisan.... Your father... I met him...
Then Kei proceeded to talk about his adventures back in home and stuff.
About how after he got back home, his parents, using treatment as an excuse, forced him to partake with 'interactions' (sex and shit) with women.
About how with some investigation, he found out how Maiko's father had built a new family.
About how 'ojisan' doesn't even remember his face
and finally, about how he can no longer make peace with his parents and decided to leave the house.
Kei: To ojisan... To maiko's father... When I talked to him
Kei: He just asked 'Is there something?'
Kei: With an expression of 'who is this?'
Kei: Everything just turned as if it is all meaningless, then every time I thought about Yui, it felt really painful.
Kei: I relayed my intention to my parents
Kei: Why can't he grow up like a proper person? It's all that man's fault, messing up Kei's life completely, making my parents cry as its the worst have happened.
Kei: Spending all that months to talk and communicate with me but in the end, they cannot understand me.
Yui: Nii-chan, you have done well.
Yui: After this, what do you plan to do?
Kei: I want to, take responsibility. Yui, I understand now, there is only you.
Kei: Only you can undestand me, only you will choose me.
Yui: Prove it, Kiss me, right here, right now.
Kei starts to tense up and get really nervous
Yui: Don't worry, don't be afraid
Kei: People are watching
Yui: It's okay, only I am watching
*The crowd is looking at them and some of them can't believe their eyes to what they are about to see*
Voice A: Its a gay couple
Voice B: They are kissing
Voice C: Really?!
Voice D: It's my first time seeing something like this
Yui: Kei.. Kei.. It's okay, don't bother about the other people.
Some guys are talking to take a vid of it where Maiko just kicks their chair over.
Yui: There is nothing at all, right?
Kei: yeah...
They kissed abit more and the chapter ends with Yui asking Kei, 'Can you make a promise with me? That you will never run away again.'
Holy fuck
Where can I get the raw,I dont care I just need to see it
Oh my....I want to cry. The series started sick and still ends pretty sick but still good and at the same time beautiful. I'm just in awe on Maiko and Yui's, specially Maiko's, personality, both understood Kei's situation and were willing to pave the way for his treatment, acceptance. Still doubting if it's right for Yui to continue this since after all he was just coerced into it but I'm happy because someone accepts Kei. Kei is after all another victim.
And that kiss while in a restaurant. Seriously? Just WOW. The sense of comfort and acceptance, like a heavy weight just lifted from Kei's heart, I mean that's probably how it felt. Just wanna curl up in a corner and weep. Thank you for this.
Pls give me raw
sorry for the late reply and here you go
Thank you for that. I just held back my tears but I wanted to cry so bad. The psychological trauma Kei had to go through was insane and just from the last page where his eyes were just empty and exhausted, I could cry a bucket for that probably once it's translated.
chapter 6 showed that he yielded and in the end being incapable of living in that lifestyle, broken.
tbh i find the little insert of his past in chapter 5 to be darker. It showed the beginning of how he became like this and after the hell of 'reeducation', he found a new glimpse of hope.
great saviour i love u
You Have 4017 to thank for this. She is the one who directed me to the raws xD
Thank u very much
Chapter 5 actually turned the story around for me. I love Harada even more. For 4 chapters, it would seem like it's centered on Yui, the victim, but apparently, sensei wanted to tell us that Kei was a victim, too, still a victim now that he's older. He never got out of it, it was a cycle for him. The best part (I mean in the narrative and psychological perspective) was that he tried to find the answer to questions he had since he was young by doing the exact same thing to another kid and still did not find his answer, until he and Yui met again and finally was accepted. If I could only give Kei a hug, damn (when he went down on his knees when he went home). This story just shows how much sensei researched and studied the matter to properly drive and convey the story. I feel loved (as a fan) by sensei.
^T H I S!!!! UPVOTE!!!
thats so true, this is why i really like harada
her works are really dark, people who only dwell in the vanilla will get scarred by her really fast. But those who are used to the stuff will find her plot really beautiful.
In just a few chapters, she turned Kei from the most hated character into a character people sympathize the most. It ended in both a beautiful and a twisted way (Yui asking Kei to make a promise with him to never run away from him again).
But then that ended really abruptly so there MIGHT be more chapters like an after story or something but thats prolly just my wishful thinking.
It's still sick, isn't it?! Oh my. But dang, Kei just needed to be loved. Plus Maiko in their relationship...so twisted. They were all victims of Maiko's father and they are all in a good relationship. That's Harada's version of fiction in this realistic story. Not only her stories are beautiful but they're informative, as well. She really takes on a closer look to your usual antagonists: stalkers, psychopaths, pedos, who are usually just used as antagonists instead she uses them as antiheroes, even in the last minute/chapter/s.
I also like that sensei just left Maiko's father. He already served his time in prison and tried to live the rest of his life in a better way, his atonement. It's just that I remember the hate Rogi from Jealousy by Scarlet Beriko got. What he did was unforgivable, but that doesn't mean that he should stay chained to his sins, specially when he wanted to change.
I hope we get an extra chapter, an epilogue to the epilogue in ch 6. I want to see life from Kei's eyes.
maybe the oyaji himself suffered from some trauma or mental illness and he himself was a victim and the cycle repeats
I think Harada's work are about: when shit happens to someone, some bad stuff that leaves a big scar and ,belive it or not, things that can't be cured, how does he keeps on living with that scar
clearly sensei point of view is to keep on going, even if it's hard, than to sink in sorrow and commit a suicide
I thought that, too, since the theme seemed like it was about the cycle of rape/pedophilia. I also noticed that Oyaji sounded like a nice guy when he told Kei that they should stop their relationship because Maiko's on the way. I mean by nice guy is that he genuinely loved Kei at some point because he realized they needed to stop. He wasn't all too greedy with their relationship. So yeah, he was maybe another victim when he was younger.
He probably had the same questions/frustrations Kei had, specially when he was indicted. Well, I can't add to that anymore since there's little information.
I won't go as far as saying that its 'informative' tbh, after all, this is all fiction and by no means should be related to real life.
Woah....wtf.... mind.fked.