Why the god only punish her? I know she kill innocent people so she deserves some form of punishment, but this might just make her hate humanity more.
She used to be a good person. Just gave her punishment while trying to make her become the good person she used to be.
It's like a bullied kid decided to school shoting. Yeah the kid is wrong, if they attack the innocent then yeah they deserve punishment. However, why the bully always get away without harm.
It have became a trope at this point to be honest. Random greedy Japanese and the heroic Korean lol.
The Japanese is not all innocent but still stop bringing politic into unrelated manhwa. It's similar to the situation with romance,
tbh this is really tame compare to other manhwa, this one only the figure head is evil/greedy, the other japanese hunter and citizen are portray as nice.
fr they always use Japanese and China as some evil country, southeast asia as poor country and then glorify western countries while still having the upper hand its hilarious
Im the newest chapter, the Japanese was portrayed to be greedy and ungrateful. They were demanding that Frost belong to them.
I think this just didn't contribute much to the plot beside "the Japanese is sooooo greedy". It's getting annoying
Honestly this is expected? The grudge between the three countries is great that it bleeds over to the work. This may sound harsh, but this manhwa is made for KOREAN people. And koreans have long hated the japanese due to what happened in ther history. This sort of thing is made to appeal further to korean audience, i reckon.
Yeah, you have a point but I just hope they make it a bit more believable and idk less cringey maybe. I just cringed almost everytime this trope come up.
Like there are bad and good romance, i believe this trope can be made to be enjoyable. Like there are this manhwa and one of the antagonists is JP but they did it right. It was pretty cool.
It remind me of those Chinese passport propaganda. It was just so unnecessary and weird that it's stupid lol.
if u read through the end they explain why the people were acting like that, they were being control by demons, and then when they gain consciousness again, they were saying they're there to help the Frost citizen.
Oh i see, i just skip these plot these days 'cause it usually get too political and doesn't affect the plot much.
It's nice too see one of my current favorites manhwa is not one those.