If your s/o is gonna cheat and break up with you for no reason, they deserve at least an explanation as to WHY. Grey haired dude saying it’s none of his business? it is! It’s 100% his business. YALL WERE DATING AND YOU BROKE UP WITH HIM OUT OF NOWHERE I- On god I want to beat his ass bro
Which would still be incredibly fucked up, abusive, and wrong Viira
I'm thinking that he's just upset, he's young and it's still wrong and I'm just gonna stop reading if he even touches him inappropriately or even kisses him in that situation, I'm really hoping he just hugs him and gets up and apologizes for his behavior like a NORMAL HUMAN. Also, I don't think he's trying to scare him, he doesn't seem to be malicious, he's just in a vulnerable situation. I'm just really hoping he can control his emotions and not hurt Tamaki.
I'm thinking that he's just upset, he's young and it's still wrong and I'm just gonna stop reading if he even touches him inappropriately or even kisses him in that situation, I'm really hoping he just hugs him... Cryptixy
It’s just bad writing. There were parts of her other story, which I overall enjoyed, but still think had poorly written parts. I just hate that in justifying his actions which are a result of her poor writing that real life women and girls reading this then justify similar actions in the real world based on however this situation plays out, because in the real world this happening to you is already enough that you should stay away from this person, even if you grew up together. It wouldn’t be healthy. But because it’s fiction we want a happy end. But irl...if we buy into the excuses we won’t have a happy ending...
It’s just bad writing. There were parts of her other story, which I overall enjoyed, but still think had poorly written parts. I just hate that in justifying his actions which are a result of her poor writing... Viira
I appreciate your input, maybe I'm just trying too hard and thinking of a fictional character as an actual person but itd be really disappointing if Shii raped Tamaki, Because I want this story to be something that's not shitty like a lot of other yaoi, or bl, it's just gross to even read about a fictional character rape someone and then people justify it like "just don't read it IT'S NOT REAL"
Bruh I doubt the uke actually has feelings for the brown haired dude. Idk if that’s just me but yea he wanted a Few fucks but now he’s in this awkward new relationship. He was in a stable and loving relationship before :|. He’s gonna regret it, but that’s just what I think.
The blue haired dude is too soft for Seok-il. HE WAS FUCKING SOMEONE ELSE I- NOOOO ;; you don’t deserve this ;;