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Okay so I reread it after like 6 years from when I first read it and oml have my tastes changed. At the time I first read this I was considerably younger and was just going along with the plot of the story not thinking much of it but now I can clearly see what's wrong about it and what's right. I can see that the author tried to portray a victim going back to an abuser time and time again in an almost Stockholm syndrome type of way and the mentality behind it, but it just wasn't executed correctly. It was really exaggerated in the regards of "Oh, mc actually loved him the whole time " even after the horrible abuse and mc CLEARLY NOT loving him they still try to play that up. In my opinion it was pointless, they didn't have to write it like that and instead could've done better at showing the "rotting" mentality of mc and the abuser. How entagled they become and in there own world in a sense, but they just...don't do that...I also have my issues with underplaying the abusers reasoning for all he does to mc they did the whole "Oh he's a psychopath so he just doesn't understand love properly him not eating and stuggling to sleep shows his love for mc he-he" Bullshit, which is such a cheap cop-out which was disappointing to read. Truly the victim blaming in this was horrible, how they continually drives home how it's "Mcs fault for making people act violent" like wuttt???? Whats the point. The author was doing pretty good near the beginningish middle chapters where they portrayed someone who mc feared more then the main abuser which was why mc started to rely more and more on his main abuser, it was really starting to portray the rotting mentality, but that was so short lived and didn't do much to drive home the point of the story. A better story that's just as, if not more fucked up then this would be The Beast Must Die. It does really well to portray both mentalities and the reliance on both the abuser and mc with eachother, also does a better job at the Psychopath psychological part that this story was so desperately trying to grasp onto. I've read almost all other of the authors works some time ago and really was captivated but the main plots and art, but it always seems like the author sidtracks on the main purpose of the story almost like they were going in blind and hopeing for the best lol but still I've liked there works/mainly art enough to read them so thats something lolll