Its really sad when you think about both of them the empress and emperor. The emperor has been with navier since their kid. They build a dream together,play with each other. They always having each other back.
But when they grow up, everything start to fall apart just like that. Just how can they forgot about the memories and promises that they made. How can the emperor start to hurt his own empress. Fck its really hurts
I mean they build a dream together but end up living the dream with other person.
He promise the stars on the sky for her, but end up living her alone staring at the stars..

I dont know why,but i really really feel bad for the people like the queen. I know she do the bad things ,but can at least someone help her to realise the thing she do is bad and help her to change? And the king also. What the fck is your problem. I really hate people like him. I mean the queen love you, and even if you dont have feeling for her at least cant you try to help her to change. But you dont, you literally go to find another woman who you think was the perfect match for you. You know she had a problem, but you dont even trying to help her, but you fck throw her and label her as evil, cruel woman.
I really hope the king isn't ML
Who would though that this story will turn out to be fck hilarious i mean based on the cover i thought it will be fck sad and dark story with serious background. And now every chapters i have to spend a few more minutes than usual because i cant stop laughing and continue to read ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ