I don't really care about anyone else but can we just save Gitae from this mess? Please?
You had it coming you sick fuck... Now start over as a good person so you can find your happiness with someone else.
Last page of ch. 9 and music in my earphones goes ''I don't wanna cry, I don't wanna cryyy''...
What? This is actually pretty realistic?? And there's consent!? (well we can argue about that but still) Man, I'm looking forward to this
This happy phase scares me tbh
Well...can't say I have any idea what's going on anymore
Wait what I seriously thought he was like 10 or 12 and wondering what is this little kid doing working in a bar..(and yes, the confusion helps to ignore my tears)
I thought so too! Can someone tell me there age?( ̄∇ ̄")
Hint: They're getting ready to go to college.
18 years old? ( ̄∇ ̄")
Aye (⌒▽⌒)
Haa the art style messes with my brain ( ̄∇ ̄")
Ok but I just can't get over how well the hands and feet are drawn
This really exceeded my expectations, loved it and very much so. So unique and interesting plot & art just to my taste, more please.
Part of his fandom is seriously killing me faster than Sangwoo would...
yah. i agree with you. im sure sangwoo's giving his sangwoo looks right now
I don't really care about anyone else but can we just save Gitae from this mess? Please?