I don't know what rape shit y'all r saying but everything is completely consented. The part where snow tiger and coral snake fucked in the train was CLEARLY snow tiger's fantasy. HE CONSENTED on the outdoor thing. HE CLEARLY TOLD YES without hesitation. Why the fuck would the manager and his assistant think that he's uNcOmForTaBLe and shit like that. And don't y'all dare to drag the author's "fantasy" when literally this is what happens to cam people. THEY SATISFY WHAT THEIR watchers request is. Unless snow tiger says fuck off and stop HE IS NOT BEING RAPED. I don't know why y'all tag everything with rape. And this is what literally happens in the kink ass community, y'all would request a bdsm themed story and when they actually give you something that has real life kinks of people y'all would be scared.
No… are you stupid?? The fantasy thing wasn’t rape cuz it was a fantasy, so that’s whatever. But the WALL THING?? His manager clearly makes him uncomfortable and didn’t explain the details and PURPOSEFULLY concealed the details when it came time. And made a sign that essentially gives out consent to strangers without his consent. That is wrong on so many fucking levels even if snow tiger didn’t know what he was getting into when he said yes, that doesn’t mean he can be exploited like that.
He was NOT told that people would be coming by to actually f*ck him. True, he did say yes to outdoor streaming. And he made the mistake of not listening to what was involved first. But the moment they LIED to him about WHY he had to go through the hole, any consent was taken off the table. They told him that he needed to go THROUGH the hole and PAST it to get to the streaming spot. In doing so, it means that they KNEW if they told him the truth that there was a chance he would NOT consent to it for whatever reason. Also, there is such a thing as rape by deceit.
I mean saying the dream is rape is kind of strange lol, cause is a dream based on a fantasy and we all know coral snake wouldn't do it if Beom wasn't up to it. Although, Beom gets confused when the "director" does something like that, bc he consented it, having in mind that he would pleasure himself, like always. Yet doing this and not explaining it, when Beon was clearly confused and uncomfortable is a dick move.
okay??? so you're just ASSUMING IT. HE GAVE CONSENT. Unless he said that they stop and THEY DID NOT STOP that's what Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without that person's consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability, or is below the legal age of consent. He gave consent, he did not listen that was his problem. Unless I see that snow tiger disagree y'all have no power over what's rape and what's not. Snow tiger literally can THINK and was clearly SANE when everything was happening. If y'all find this fucked up that's on you. Stop reading things tagged with actual bdsm and porn and making it seem like everything they do is rape.
Lol… how old are you to actually believe that lol… I can’t even count on how many levels it’s wrong. Like, it’s not extreme?? What the fuck do you consider extreme? This isn’t supposed to be a porn scene, because the uke is so obviously uncomfortable. It’s not supposed to be hot, it’s supposed to show how far his manager will go to exploit him, while showing how naive the uke is. It IS entirely non-consensual, you know why? Because the uke consented to an outdoor show, not being used however they want by complete strangers who don’t even have his consent. He can’t leave the situation. In IRL porn (especially BDSM) they are VERY careful about consent. No porn actress/actor is going to be mislead into a show that they never actually consented to. Has the uke ever done a stream with a person before? No. Did he explicitly say to his manager that he would? No. Did he say that he would be fine being used as a fuck doll to strangers? No. So it IS entirely non-consensual.
Bro I think y'all missing the point. Throwing a tantrum bc of the dream is wired, bc it's a fantasy and not real and that's it and yeah it happens in porn. But what we are here is how the manager behaved. Although Beom agreed he never knew that it would be different from the other streams that he has done, and that bitch just did whatever he liked, without warning that it would be different and it would consist on OTHER PEOPLE fucking him, and not self pleasure.
Who's fault is that? BEOM DID NOT LISTEN. Even the manager said that it was unlike him to just agree with the details. I despise the manager but he literally assumed (just like how y'all are assuming everything) that snow tiger was up for it bcz he consented it without hearing about anything. I am not victim blaming cause Beom's not a victim. He gave consent. Nobody's gonna assume that he doesn't want it anymore. And what panel r y'all talking about that people would fuck him? I'd like to read it please, thank you.
Uhhhh yes??? Porn is VERY DIFFERENT from real sex… like, hugely different. Porn is ALWAYS (professionally) done by two (or more) consenting parties. It’s them acting out a fantasy. Real sex is so so so so so different. Watching porn does not equate to experiencing anything in real life. Just because uke does porn, does not mean in any capacity taht he should be fine with being raked by strangers. He DID NOT have informed consent when he said yes to the “outdoor stream”, and they violated his consent by deceit.
There is also rape by deceit. Uke did not consent to the scene he would be playing, he thought it was just another outdoor stream. Just saying “stop” isn’t the only cause of rape. The person actually has to clearly say yes. He did give consent to an outdoor stream, but not to anything else. His manager was handing out consent that uke didn’t give. This isn’t BDSM… bdsm has safe words, that’s the #1 rule of bdsm. If you are uncomfortable, say the safe word and it will stop. No matter the situation you are in…they actually do that for porn too. And porn actresses have been raped, and it’s terrifying and sad to hear their stories. A lack of “yes” can mean it’s rape too, and so can being manipulated or lead to believe something. So yeah
No guys this is wrong. Even in porn, first, the "strangers" aren't real strangers but actors and the actors are told of everything is gonna happen before agreeing, beom didn't know a thing. Beom might have rushed but that's because he trusts that old barstard (which he shouldn't). When you trust someone you don't think they would make you go through this. So pls don't say this is consented coz he was totally deceive.
In the case of the dream, yeah, I wouldn't be rape but I also feel disgusted with the hands at the end
You have a very limited view of what constitutes rape, but I can guarantee you that it goes FAR beyond that things YOU mentioned and even the things I have mentioned. At no point did he say he was okay with STRANGERS coming up and having sex with him. The sign was posted WITHOUT HIS AGREEMENT. At no point in PREVIOUS streams did he EVER have sex with ANYONE else. So there is NO reason to believe that he would or SHOULD be willing to have sex with complete strangers. He was TRICKED into getting into the hole. THAT IS RAPE BY DECEIT. There is ALSO the fact that he is confused by the situation, and TRIED to talk to them before THEY LEFT HIM THERE. So he was NOT GIVEN THE CHANCE to actually SAY STOP.
Also, I will point out that he TRIED to OBJECT when his shirt was cut and AGAIN when they took his pants off. He was too in shock and they left before he could voice it. He ALSO had PREVIOUSLY stated to Coral Snake (before they slept together) that he was NOT INTERESTED in actually sleeping with another person! He was a virgin up until that point. And he DOES come off as feeling VERY uncomfortable. He was NOT happy to be in this situation.
Bottom of Page 46, Chapter 21:
Beom: "Mr. Kwon. I really don't like this." They then slap his butt, put in the vibrator, talk over him and leave. The MOMENT he said he did NOT like this, he SHOWED AND VOICED his discomfort and objection. That moment, HE TOOK BACK CONSENT. Yes, NO means NO. But NO is NOT the ONLY WAY to say NO.
You got to go out and touch some grass. Ofc irl porn won't be doing such stuff because again, it's irl. They'll get sued. This is fiction. So anything goes. You should learn how to differentiate irl and fiction. If you don't want it, don't read it. Just don't go yapping around consent on a fictional character. Again, IT'S FICTION.
First of all, Beom didn't asked about the details. Because he's so bothered about having a wet dream with Dowon. And who's stupid to go inside a fucking hole just because someone said so? Like c'mon. You're doing porn. Never heard of ona hole? Lastly, it's fucking fiction. A lot of fiction stories gets abducted and raped without consent. So this shit is not yet extreme. For sure Dowon would come and save him. So calm your ass. If you don't like it, skip it. Simple as that.
Bruh… I was talking about irl porn when I said extreme (like heavy bdsm and shit). Yes this isn’t extreme, but exploitation and manipulation are extreme in my mind because of what I’ve gone through in real life. I don’t need or want to read shit with a mind break tag, however keep in mind that due to other people’s experiences and constitutions extreme can mean different things.
No offense, but I probably have more of a life than you do honey. I was not trying to start a fight, nor argue that it is fiction. These kinds of things are triggering to a lot of people, and where I come from no one understands consent so I make it a point to educate people where I can because shit can go bad really fast. I can differentiate between real life and fiction, I’m not some otaku laying in bed reading manga and starting fights all day. You might be tho, considering the fact you read ‘mind break’ tagged manga. I wanted to be nice about it, but you went all aggro on me and it pissed me off. Also, I can yap however and whenever the fuck I want. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to listen.
No one is debating as to whether this is fiction or not. We all know it is fiction. What we ARE debating is whether the scenario constitutes rape (it does), whether a character we like should have been put IN that position (he should not have) and whether or not the manager and camera man should have put him in that position, especially in the way that they did (they should NOT have). Yes, it is fiction. But also yes, we are ALLOWED to have our own opinions and decide if we think a character has gone too far in their actions against another character, and then voice those opinions.
What chapter are we on the danmei? Thanks
thank you! <3