I get why she did that as painful as those last panels were. Sometimes keeping the belongs of someone who has passed is hard so it's easier to pass it on and it can help with the grieving process.
I also do understand the mls pain too, cuz it was his child too, but because he never consoled his damn wife especially when everyone is openly mocking her in front him. Like dude, defend your wife.
Anyways Not sure why people are expecting every fl to be this super strong independent woman. lol how else is a character expected to grow? (o Good lord, she's at a disadvantage where she's been manipulated into thinking she has nothing of value. No family, no friends, no support system, and no self esteem, her child died. Nothing. Like are we really surprised when she makes questionable decisions?
I've already read the spoilers on the so I'm not expecting much from the mi, I feel like the hatred should be going to him instead of the fl...

Just you’re typical male targeted pornwha. It was ok but nothing too exciting lol. i like the guys designs which is shame for the a lack lusting story. Also friendly reminder that peeing inside someone can cause bacteria infection so if you’re gonna be doing that, at least help out your partner with the clean up.
Loser mc that tries to act cool to others, and supernatural? Definitely one of those smuts not to take seriously , but it looks pretty good tho it is really fast paced.