so im gonna answer this in my Language. VAD FAN ÄR PROBLEMET MED FOLK, HUR STÖRD FÅR MAN VARA FÖR ATT KUNNA LÄGGA UT DET HÄR. jag är sex positiv men håll dit sexliv till dig själv, störda psykopat.
I'm REALLY glad that you know you had the CHOICE to send this for the whole MANGAGO community to read. You know I really love how far society has come to I'm really proud of what the human race can do. I fucking hate it here I don't want to see anymore I have seen so many things People jacking off to Isabelle from animal cross......
if they're big and shy they're literally the loml. Not even muscular just like tall. Big. Sweet and shy and blushy guys omfg. But like they have a protective side and can get really intense yk?? Basically just yohan. My type is yohan.
sucking your own dick