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wonuyaaa created a topic of Love or Hate(Yeongha)

So I was rereading a few chapters around Joowon's iconic phone call to Haesoo, and I realized I had glossed over something important: Haesoo NEVER went out with Taku to use him as a rebound, or even because he was hurt by his breakup?? He did it out of fucking pity for Taku. PITY. I want to laugh.

It's true that Haesoo was using TK as a rebound before, when they were casually sleeping together. But Haesoo literally made the resolve to NOT go out with Taku. He thinks word for word: "I don't want to rely on him anymore just because I'm lonely. Because I consider him a good person. Someone that wants to hear the end of my story". (Honestly, HS is so naïve. TK was just "good" to him because he liked to feel needed when Haesoo was hurt. But well, HS cant read TK's thoughts ig). Haesoo then goes on to reject Taku, saying: "I don't have the emotional capacity to be in a relationship right now. That's my honest answer. I'm only going to end up hurting you". Now THIS is where Taku admits that he's actually a shitty person who tried to use his sex tape to guilt trip Haesoo into a r/s. And Haesoo gets angry by being toyed like this ofc, but he also pities Taku at that moment. The way Taku says he loves Haesoo selfishly and in a messed up way, reminds Haesoo of HIMSELF, with the way he'd always emotionally manipulate Joowon and try to make him feel all jealous, and angry and possessive over him. This pity and seeing himself in Taku is why Haesoo goes out with him :/// Like honestly... Haesoo and Taku? They're of the same breed ugh.

It lowkey pisses me off that Joowon is so madly in love with Haesoo when he honestly deserves better. Out of the 3 of them, Joowon may have been immature and implusive, but its clear he at least has decent intentions in spite of his mistakes. Like he's constantly trying to protect Haesoo and keep their relationship intact, but he just doesnt always think things through and at times is very unaware of how Haesoo is feeling (but thats not all on Joowon. Like... HS didnt communicate for shit! And JW was left thinking HS will never leave him as long as they keep their r/s ambiguous, and will always come back to him like the arrogant brat he was lol). His growth and development is all focused on his immaturity and arrogance for that reason. Meanwhile, Joowon's toxic possessive behavior was literally because Haesoo tried to make him that way. Hence why the moment Haesoo breaks up with Joowon, he literally does not bother Haesoo and gives him total space. Well... I guess at least Haesoo changed for the better and admitted he was shitty for manipulating Joowon's emotions like that. Taku made no such change and seems manipulative and selfish even in chapter 99.

Anyway... it really hit me how Taku stans that slandered Haesoo look even STUPIDER considering this. HS literally went out with Taku out of pity after he wouldnt take no for an answer multiple times, like please!! And ppl want to claim Haesoo used and led on Taku LOOOL