wonuyaaa's feed

wonuyaaa created a topic of Love or Hate(Yeongha)

Just need to rant a little bit: But okay, it NEVER sat right with me how Taku stans bashed and villainized Joowon for like 2 years while he's showed continuous growth and repented for all his mistakes (mistakes he made cause he literally wanted to protect hs and keep them together lol). Everything he's been doing since like 50ish chapters ago, he's been doing to protect Haesoo and he's just been continuously losing things FOR HAESOO (his job? his dad?) without asking for anything in return or pressuring Haesoo in any way.

Meanwhile, Taku has shown little to no growth, and still admits he's a shitty person even in chapter NINETY-NINE!! But his stans that were soooo loud in bashing Joowon just refuse to acknowledge all his manipulative and toxic actions and make excuses for his behavior left and right, cause huhuhu "poor" taku. Joowon would NEVER get this kind of treatment. (Examples of his crappy actions if you dont believe me lol: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/9517513/).