wonuyaaa's feed

wonuyaaa created a topic of Love or Hate(Yeongha)

wondering what the actual attraction about Taehae was to readers.
was it the miserable haesoo thinking abt joowon all the time? or him losing weight and looking unwell? or losing all his personality and cute bratty attitude? lol, or maybe it was taku's manipulative behavior and taking advantage of haesoo's heartbreak and sadness on multiple occasions? ppl just fail to see anything past the visually appealing "couple moments" between them. when the dialogue and monologues during those "cute" scenes drives home the fact that their relationship is anything but sincere, and built upon the basis of using each other lol,, like READ ffs

joowon and haesoo may have had an unhealthy relationship, but the story made it increasingly clear how their problems were due to their parents constantly pushing them apart, guilt tripping them, and so on... the actual FEELINGS OF LOVE between them were genuine and real from the start. and they simply couldnt let each other go despite everything opposing them, which is why they fell into unhealthy cycles in the first place.