wonuyaaa's feed

wonuyaaa created a topic of Love or Hate(Yeongha)

ppl calling joowon "manipulative" makes me laugh. especially when actually he genuinely loved haesoo from the start and did what he thought was best for their relationship without getting their parents involved and to protect haesoo. theres no basis to say hes manipulative once you stop viewing the story through haesoo's unreliable narration, and understand joowon's thoughts and perspective. joowon did things usually with good intent and made genuine mistakes that he actually regretted and apologized for-- none of which were "toying with haesoo" LOL. as if this man didn't love the same boy for 10 whole years even after being abandoned twice by haesoo + would rather lose his career just to protect him huh

and i swear some of yall say this without any real examples or evidence, but just to defend another man in this story who was actually genuinely manipulative. especially since he decide to start his relationship with haesoo out of mere self-interest and planned to toss him aside as he's done with many of his past models.