wonuyaaa March 3, 2021 6:42 am

that last page of joowon tho
who did that i love you lol

wonuyaaa March 3, 2021 6:41 am

that was vvvv sexy ヾ(☆▽☆)
lmao joowon's dirty talk is too much at times hahahha i love it though. he's just so entertaining to read pls

anyway, my fav kpop group kinda extremely stressing me out this past week so i couldnt even enjoy the last raw chapter and this new chapter. but now im settling down a bit and i feel happy to see joohae together and how happy they are-- like they belong together!!! and thank you yd for not showing me that mophead in the end lol

wonuyaaa February 22, 2021 8:51 pm

okay but why did i feel like i was witnessing something i shouldnt? like,, i was walking in on their private and intimate moment lol

    xsomnia February 22, 2021 8:54 pm

    omggg I thought I was the only one who felt this way so weird idkkkkkkkkkkk

    jungzi February 23, 2021 12:47 am

    I felt that too when I was reading the raws but ended up reading the chapter several times that I could list what Haesoo likes and dislikes. These two will be the death of me. I love them too much.

wonuyaaa February 18, 2021 12:56 am

I'm rereading this story now, and I mean... it's interesting how Taku starts off being portrayed in a sort of more "positive" light. Which is the opposite compared to Joowon (though his sex tape shit was creepy to me from the get go. bl readers will just excuse anything lol)

Anyway, as the story proceeds though: Taku just regresses further and further. idk how his stans continued to cape for him honestly lol. Like is it cause this man brought Heesoo food when he was sick and said a fake "I love you" to HS like a week after meeting him?? Meanwhile he's talking to his friend all like "I just want to see the story he writes when i leave him" LMAO. Is playing with people fun Taku? :D The writer only chooses to show this LATER though, so I think taku stans with no reading comprehension cant connect the dots at all. Or the scene where he comforts Haesoo who is crying? You go like "awww". But then LATER, you see Taku's thoughts during the moment like: "It felt good to see you sad. You needed me because of your unhappiness". tf??? And don't get me started on him revealing his intention with the sex tape, or how he acted during the breakup which are later into the story. lol yikes.

Meanwhile, Joowon from the start: he was portrayed as the 'bad guy'. When in reality, he wasn't truly. He DEFINITELY had his flaws like being too immature, possessive and arrogant. Like when he says "You can't live without me", or how he says Haesoo will get tired of whoever he dates and come crawling back to him every time. He was an asshat to Haesoo in this regard. But the truth was, Haesoo with his manipulative ways constantly trying to make Joowon angry and jealous, plus wanting Joowon to suffer because he thought he was the only one hurting, was ALSO just as much at fault for their unhealthy dynamic. The pain inflicted wasn't one sided. Yet Haesoo's insecurities and self-victimization narrate the story, saying that Joowon doesnt care, Joowon has it easy, etc. Even when Joowon is hurting too in this open r/s, wanting to tell Haesoo he loves him for years but never being able to due to their complicated situation n his fears.

But anyway. Joowon started off pretty flawed, but then just gets continuous development over the course of the story and owns up to his mistakes. His development is realistically portrayed and kinda carries LOH on its back in S2-3. We also get a lot more on his background and WHY he did the things he did. Which doesn't excuse his actions, but it does help us understand him more. So yeah... Joowon really spends the whole story since the breakup reflecting on himself, giving Haesoo the space he wants, and he suffers over and over literally just to protect Haesoo?? Even when Haesoo essentially told him he's not worth it, and he doesn't love him enough to endure their relationship. And Joowon STILL calls him up to say "I'm always on your side. I'm all yours". Bitch drop Haesoo and take me instead! lmao. Okay I kind of went on a tangent there, but I had a lot of these thoughts rereading this story.

    nivianda February 18, 2021 2:44 am

    Omg thank you for stating this!
    From me that only read a few chapters, I just dont like taku from the start, i really dont know why but fr ch 1 I only support joowon, it is sad that haesoo is so toxic too him (in my eyes tho, sorry but its the truth that he's toxic to joowon, sob). I stop reading this at ch 40-ish bcs I just cant stand haesoo and taku made joowon broke like really why haesoo is so selfish and taku is really just not know shame at all (again, its my opinion only). Then I brave myself to read again only theb to be hurt agaib and again oh you wont know how much I suffer reading this bcs them. But then finally I got to see light. Haesoo is finally understand joowon's importance in his life. Though joowon deserve better, but well, I just happy he got what he wants finally. I still dont like taku and haesoo, I only read this because of joowon only ┗( ╥﹏╥ )┛

    edelric February 18, 2021 4:39 am

    well stated well stated. was kinda mad at haesoo for a while, but haesoo went through a lot of shit with his mom that messed him up big time. and he too admitted he was in the wrong and grew and changed a lot over the course of the story, and finally showed how much he truly cared for joowon. hope he treats our mans well now that theyre together.

    jungzi February 18, 2021 8:44 am

    THIS. I don't understand people who have supposedly read this story but still say they hate Joowon and praise Taku. I personally never understood why Taku got so much love other than because of his looks because when I read the story I didn't find anything likeable about him. I might have missed out on something because I was also creeped out by the sex tape stunt which made me wary of and dislike his character, but I really can't think of anything likeable about him.

    All the characters had issues and weren't flawless. But I'd say Joowon was the least problematic among the 3.

    wonuyaaa February 19, 2021 3:55 am
    well stated well stated. was kinda mad at haesoo for a while, but haesoo went through a lot of shit with his mom that messed him up big time. and he too admitted he was in the wrong and grew and changed a lot o... edelric

    agreeeeed. i do like haesoo but yeah. he was shitty in how he treated joowon, and he changed a lot.
    gonna have to fight haesoo if he does not give joowon the love he deserves. caues i know joowon would literally do ANYTHING for him

    wonuyaaa February 19, 2021 4:00 am
    THIS. I don't understand people who have supposedly read this story but still say they hate Joowon and praise Taku. I personally never understood why Taku got so much love other than because of his looks becaus... jungzi

    hating joowon and praising taku /shudders/
    i'll never ever trust ppl that do this shit

    anyway yeah taku was kinda a creep to me from the get go. and i always forget that he lowkey stalked haesoo?? like he saw him in that store, started reading all his stories, specifically requested haesoo to be his interviewer when he went to kr (when he never does interviews), and then made advances towards HS in a professional relationship?? like yeah that's not weird in the SLIGHTEST lol

    wonuyaaa February 19, 2021 5:40 am
    hating joowon and praising taku /shudders/ i'll never ever trust ppl that do this shitanyway yeah taku was kinda a creep to me from the get go. and i always forget that he lowkey stalked haesoo?? like he saw hi... wonuyaaa

    made advances ***fully knowing that haesoo only had eyes for someone else***. even weirder. you could justify this if he genuinely loved haesoo and couldnt help it (somehow. like love at first sight? love from just reading hs's writing? lol). but he didnt. he literally just wanted to toy around with the situation/haesoo. and he got attached later.

    jungzi February 19, 2021 3:52 pm
    made advances ***fully knowing that haesoo only had eyes for someone else***. even weirder. you could justify this if he genuinely loved haesoo and couldnt help it (somehow. like love at first sight? love from ... wonuyaaa

    True. The readers who thought he approached Haesoo because he cared about him and his well-being were probably also on something weird. And even after his intentions were plainly revealed some still thought of him as "poor baby Taku played by Haesoo, he deserves the whole world".
    The guy stalked Haesoo, forced his way into a relationship, not even caring if his actions would only further damage Haesoo emotionally, and just because he was interested in a story which he wanted to change and make it about him.
    But just because he later got feelings for Haesoo, he becomes a good guy with great development and I should pity him. How? Why?
    Oh well, they really fell for his manipulation and can go write their fanfiction of their baby and his new lover. He can be their angel there.

    wonuyaaa February 28, 2021 3:58 am
    True. The readers who thought he approached Haesoo because he cared about him and his well-being were probably also on something weird. And even after his intentions were plainly revealed some still thought of ... jungzi

    ohh i forgot to reply to this-- but i think it would've been less stalkerish if it wasn't a professional relationship he was trying to break to get to haesoo.... like leo said he has a habit of getting into shit with his models. it's just weird T^T LOL. but maybe that's just bl logic to excuse that lol.
    anyway.... i remember there's literally a phrase in this story where taku says he notices the forlorn look in haesoo's eyes after the joohae breakup... and that it makes him crave haesoo more ??? forlorn = pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely. THIS is the Haesoo you crave so much? The one that's most miserable? lol. the sheer NUMBER of taku quotes in this story that add onto/share the same vibe as that quote is funny to me.

    honestly i think it'd be cool if taku stans liked taku so much as the character he's ACTUALLY WRITTEN AS in this story. the many kids i see on tiktok that trash joowon with every breath, and then treat taku like some god given gift honestly just seem to like a made up version of him from their heads. not what the story shows.

    calm thyself February 28, 2021 4:30 am

    ily for making this and that line, "Bitch drop Haesoo and take me instead! lmao." hit me in so many ways lmfao

wonuyaaa February 17, 2021 7:03 pm

"I want you to want me so bad that it hurts", "I'm still greedy for you"


wonuyaaa February 17, 2021 3:17 pm

Genuinely dont understand the ppl going like “the story is dragging at this point” — mf the story is OVER at this point. the plot threads have all tied up. If you dont want cute fluff and smut plus further conversation between the endgame pair at the END, which the author has deprived us of for 2 years worth of updates, THEN DONT READ IT lol

Let us Joohae fans enjoy this without your complaining over something that doesnt even make sense to complain about.

    Hua Xian February 17, 2021 3:44 pm

    couldn't agree more ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Tortugas February 17, 2021 4:14 pm

    I understand it’s wrapping up, but I really don’t think the story is over by a long shot. There is so much more that could and should be covered about Joohae- the times Joowon relied on Haesoo as his rock, more of the ordinary part of their love story that’s alluded to in Haesoo’s best-selling book, their conversation after the hospital, the 3-year time skip (so much good material ripe for tackling!), their present life together on a day to day basis, how they will handle being in a same sex relationship esp with Joowon’s superstar celebrity status. And I know we’re eye to eye on this, of course!

    Baka Maki February 17, 2021 4:15 pm


    wonuyaaa February 17, 2021 4:23 pm
    I understand it’s wrapping up, but I really don’t think the story is over by a long shot. There is so much more that could and should be covered about Joohae- the times Joowon relied on Haesoo as his rock, ... Tortugas

    I 100% agree with you. I’m just saying for the losers that read this without caring about Joohae: the main plot of the story has tied up and they can take their exit. Nothing is “dragging” at all. It’s completely true that this could honestly go for another season because there’s so many moments and aspects unexplored in Joohae’s relationship. So many flashbacks I want to see. I want to see how they’ll deal with new problems and issues that come between their relationship now that theyre actually together and being honest with each other. If not another season, we need side stories exploring all the dynamics and facets of joohae. Idk if youre familiar with the story “my pet bat”: but the author added like 20 chapters of side stories after the main pair actually got together and things ended, and they almost felt like the most crucial chapters in the story because it explored the depths of their r/s and how they handled and faced problems when they were actually together.

    wonuyaaa February 17, 2021 4:34 pm
    I 100% agree with you. I’m just saying for the losers that read this without caring about Joohae: the main plot of the story has tied up and they can take their exit. Nothing is “dragging” at all. It’s ... wonuyaaa

    thats what i need for joohae lol

    Tortugas February 17, 2021 4:53 pm
    I 100% agree with you. I’m just saying for the losers that read this without caring about Joohae: the main plot of the story has tied up and they can take their exit. Nothing is “dragging” at all. It’s ... wonuyaaa

    I really hope we get all those extra chapters, it’d feel so incomplete otherwise! I thought I’d be much more invested in photographer’s character when I first read the synopsis of this story. He’s so bland to me, though, especially as not connected to joohae. It’s harder to focus my attention re-reading the story when he’s featured, I don’t care about his backstory or development very much. As far as I’m concerned he served his purpose and I’d be fine never hearing about him again.

    wonuyaaa February 17, 2021 9:07 pm
    I really hope we get all those extra chapters, it’d feel so incomplete otherwise! I thought I’d be much more invested in photographer’s character when I first read the synopsis of this story. He’s so bl... Tortugas

    saaame. the thing is, he isnt even given a backstory? maybe thats why he feels like a half baked character to me. since yh probably wanted to focus her efforts on joowon and haesoo and their motives. anyway taku just ended up being another pesky obstacle that joohae had to overcome in my eyes. he was what gave haesoo the excuse to run from his feelings, and stay away from joowon as a way to protect his r/s with his mom and not interfere with the remarriage. haesoo had to realize that his bond with joowon meant way more than whatever "normal" relationship he could have with any other dude-- and that letting himself get passively controlled by his mother was just not it!

    kageyamaslefttoe February 17, 2021 9:39 pm

    I think people are allowed to have an opinion that contradicts with yours, I wouldn't say that means that they aren't happy with the ending or enjoyed the story, its just an observation.. at the end of the day the character aren't real anyways so no need to get heated

    Tortugas February 17, 2021 9:49 pm
    saaame. the thing is, he isnt even given a backstory? maybe thats why he feels like a half baked character to me. since yh probably wanted to focus her efforts on joowon and haesoo and their motives. anyway tak... wonuyaaa

    He’s an important device for joohae, but I feel like there should be more than that to his character. There was something about an uncle and that lighter, and he was shown acting like an arrogant prick at art school. Besides the disposable models thing. I just found myself not caring enough to find out more. Maybe if there was more integration between all 3 of them, like exploring the untapped tension between T and J. I think the story overall could still work, give J more screen time, and add a more interesting facet to photographer’s character that way.

    wonuyaaa February 18, 2021 1:00 am
    I think people are allowed to have an opinion that contradicts with yours, I wouldn't say that means that they aren't happy with the ending or enjoyed the story, its just an observation.. at the end of the day ... kageyamaslefttoe

    okay cool well make the opinion make sense cause what is "dragging" exactly??? there is literally no plotline threads left to complete? all we want is cute moments and further insight in the joohae relationship. the author delivering that isn't "dragging". it's something we havent gotten in FOREVER, and finally being given.

    wonuyaaa February 18, 2021 1:07 am
    I think people are allowed to have an opinion that contradicts with yours, I wouldn't say that means that they aren't happy with the ending or enjoyed the story, its just an observation.. at the end of the day ... kageyamaslefttoe

    but no seriously have you seen that kind of nonsense in another bl or romance story? it's a LOVE STORY, yet people are complaining about the endgame couple finally having a bare minimum few chapters together at the END together. like wtf ??? only taku stans who cant stand joohae would say that sort of bs.

    wonuyaaa February 18, 2021 1:10 am
    He’s an important device for joohae, but I feel like there should be more than that to his character. There was something about an uncle and that lighter, and he was shown acting like an arrogant prick at art... Tortugas

    lmao i've seen you say that before. i like that idea. maybe it'd make me like him more lolol. but writers of love triangles usually tend to avoid threesome-esque situations hahah. even though with loh i think taku's obsession with competing against joowon had sooo much potential.

wonuyaaa February 17, 2021 7:33 am


I truly cant stop smiling from this chapter. after all that angst and pain. but the wonderfully written character development, the buildup to this, and the stunning art makes it all worth it.

    isabelruthhh February 17, 2021 8:49 am


    Kuro_Neko February 17, 2021 10:18 am

    YES!!! I don't want it to end I want to see them happy together MORE ╥﹏╥

    wonuyaaa February 17, 2021 7:00 pm
    YES!!! I don't want it to end I want to see them happy together MORE ╥﹏╥ Kuro_Neko


    edelric February 17, 2021 7:31 pm


wonuyaaa February 14, 2021 12:02 am

I sometimes like to reread the joohae breakup just to hurt myself and feel the angst. And I came across the panel after the dinner fiasco where taku is trying to make sure haesoo comes back to him after talking with joowon... and he says: "you and I both know how this will end".

i mean THE AUDACITY OF THIS MAN =__= he literally self inserted into their relationship and after 2 weeks he's acting like he knows everything about joowon and haesoo's bond, and what they mean to each other i-

I mean I AM thankful that joowon and haesoo broke up then cause how tf would they have solved their problems otherwise?? Haesoo needed to realize how much it would hurt him to actually lose Joowon instead of passively letting himself get controlled by his mom's wishes, and constantly running from his feelings for JW. and joowon needed to realize his own faults in their relationship too. BUT it's not as if taku knew that and was trying to help them AT ALL. this bitch just wanted to get haesoo for himself, even if it made HS miserable. and he lowkey gaslit haesoo here to make him feel like being with joowon was a lost cause =_= he does it in their breakup too where he's all like "you're only gonna suffer with joowon" hhhhh

    pendejaagresiva February 13, 2021 8:56 am

    In which chapter did they broker up??(╥﹏╥)(╥﹏╥) i want to read it again too

    Lady Lune (aka Wishy-washy) February 13, 2021 10:22 am

    Yo Taku is infuriating af (that's no brainer) but Haesoo was irritating too with his wishy washy and weak ass personality I mean he let Taku insert himself into his life just like that like why tf did he do that when Taku had been such an obvious creep since the beginning and this mf just... let him mess with him all that time smh. He should've cut ties with him then and there on their first meeting when Taku very unsubtlely encouraged him to watch his porno when it was only their first time meeting eo like that's so fucking creepy if it were me I would've ditched my heels and fled that place that instant RUN FOR YOUR LIFE HAESOO--

    I digressed lol. Anyways so yea that shouldve been the first red flag for him but he didn't see that.
    He failed to notice how Taku slowly involved his creepy ass in his personal life, how he gradually crossed their boundary of professionalism starting from asking him to model for him when it should've just been interviews between them to outright coming at him persistently until their relationship turned full on sexual... I said this before GUYS LIKE TAKU RAISE A LOT OF RED FLAGS. This is the guy who basically stalks you by seeking you out and specifially arranging an interview with you as his first step of inserting himself into your life. This is the guy who only wants to toy with you by dating you so he could break up with you later on and see what you're gonna write about him. This is the guy who takes pleasure in seeing your pain, who wishes you ill when you break up with him this is the guy who constantly MANIPULATES you I--

    I digressed again lol.
    Tldr Taku had raised a crapton of red flags throughout the story and that was teeth gritting to see yes but Haesoo was just as infuriating with his lack of self authority in this essay I will

    gardenfairy February 13, 2021 1:07 pm

    I mean I agree with everything you said about how Taku self-inserted and was really presumptuous about their r/s... he was kind of an asshat. however I dont think it was gaslighting per sae because there needs to be actual motive to manipulate haesoo’s thoughts and perception when he says that actual line. It could just be that Taku is saying what he thinks is correct. He believes after reading abt Haesoo's relationship with Joowon and seeing Haesoo cry those chapters earlier cause of everything... being with Joowon was a dead end. So he’s not saying some sort of lie to Haesoo to alter his perception, but simply speaking from what he believes is true. And in hindsight... isnt he correct?? He was wrong during their break up, but in this scene he’s kinda right. Haesoo and Joowon’s breakup was inevitable I think. And as you said... they really needed to stop and be away from each other in order to eventually fix things. Anyway basically what im saying is: taku’s words may seem somewhat manipulative, but that doesnt necessarily make it gaslighting.

    jungzi February 13, 2021 3:48 pm
    Yo Taku is infuriating af (that's no brainer) but Haesoo was irritating too with his wishy washy and weak ass personality I mean he let Taku insert himself into his life just like that like why tf did he do tha... Lady Lune (aka Wishy-washy)

    I'm with you on this. Especially that part where he wanted Haesoo to watch his porno. I was interested in him as a character when I first saw him but from that meeting I had seen enough to know I wouldn't like him and as the story progressed it proved true. How many people didn't find that creepy is weird.

    wonuyaaa February 13, 2021 11:58 pm
    I mean I agree with everything you said about how Taku self-inserted and was really presumptuous about their r/s... he was kind of an asshat. however I dont think it was gaslighting per sae because there needs ... gardenfairy

    so you're basically saying we dont know taku's thought process when he said that, so we cant confirm if its gaslighting? uhhh i get what youre mean... but tbh taku is so manipulative on other occasions so i wouldnt be surprised if he said all that just to make haesoo feel like it's hopeless with joowon so that he can have haesoo for himself instead :// he's like the type of person that would act like they care about you, but really is only there to get what he wants.

    wonuyaaa February 14, 2021 12:03 am

    @pendejaagresiva chapter 56 is the events leading up to the breakup. And chapter 57 is the actual breakup!

    wonuyaaa February 14, 2021 12:17 am
    Yo Taku is infuriating af (that's no brainer) but Haesoo was irritating too with his wishy washy and weak ass personality I mean he let Taku insert himself into his life just like that like why tf did he do tha... Lady Lune (aka Wishy-washy)

    taku honestly does raise a lot of red flags. i dont get how ppl don't find his initial actions creepy. like meeting someone for the first time for your WORK, and they tell you to watch their porno??? bruh wyd. haesoo thought he was a perv too anyway i-
    also just cause he liked haesoo more than expected does that make everything he did okay?? like what if haesoo genuinely liked him, but he never changed his initial view and was only there for his own fun and interest and also taking advantage of haesoo's heartbreak?? then haesoo would've been getting hurt and played by him smh. that's probably what his past partners felt ://

    honestly though... i know the reason haesoo didnt turn and leave is cause he viewed himself as twisted too. when taku revealed his intentions with the sex tape, haesoo said he saw himself in taku. he knew he manipulated joowon's emotions and that his love was selfish... and taku was no different in haesoo's eyes. but while haesoo grows from that and apologizes and fully regrets treating joowon that way, idk if taku ever really learned to be better by the end. taku just gives me the "i know i'm a shit person, but i can live with that" kind of vibe. the writer was sooo easy on him and just gave him a happy ending without any real redemption (unlike joowon). thats definitely what rubbed me the wrong way about his character the most.

    notyouraveragegirl February 14, 2021 6:34 pm

    How about when he said I think this time it will be your taste and then made that lewd face. I wanted Joowon to just slap him into next week. That's part of the reason I just can't find any sympathy for him because he was so manipulative and heartless.

    I just think about that lighter alone and think how can you like someone that over the top who has been basically watching Haesoo from afar like a stalker waiting to pounce on his prey. It's just uncomfortable.

    I do like the angst sometimes just because we see how loud Joowon is about how he feels towards Haesoo, and we get glimpses of vulnerable Haesoo with him or reactions when he is alone (the tears after the "all yours" convo). You know you are reading something amazing that gives you the same feelings every time you read it, and sometimes it even adds a new layer especially after the chapters we've gotten lately.

    Tortugas February 15, 2021 12:43 am

    Taku’s words are very precise and calculating, he knows exactly what he’s doing and what effect it will create. Hence the photo shoots and how he intentionally solicited painful emotions from both H and J, all for his work and amusement. Because he can’t really see or feel anything himself, he doesn’t understand love, longing or sacrifice, he can only watch from the camera’s viewpoint, making him kinda like a voyeur. At least until near the end, where he’s supposed to have some kind of epiphany and come to understand at least what it means to not be in control over someone else or your own feelings. I’m still pretty dubious about the “love” aspect, I think it’s more about loss of the romantic idea of love. Tying in with how he only sees parts of people or objects of his work, and assumes he understands their essence, only comprising what he thinks is important, and not the whole. (God, the arrogance. )

    I do agree with Garden Fairy, in this sense, because it’s like he read Haesoo’s column and thinks he has both of them and their relationship all figured out. So I think he is probably speaking truthfully in that sequence. And remember how he surprisingly declared that Joowon was in love with him- like he had figured that much out from the photoshoot; it’s like he wanted to see Haesoo’s reaction there, as well.

    As for Haesoo, I share Lady Lune’s frustration with him here. I was really upset that he had even more evidence that Joowon loved him, and still went with Taku, anyway. Of course I understand the dilemma with his mother, but there’s more here than that. When he thought about how he was always looking for the next new thing when kissing Taku, it felt like such a betrayal. And I was so disgusted with him for how he treated that poor guy in the very first chapter. However, now I think I understand that he had internalized this playboy persona that he had created (partly to drive Joowon mad), he came to believe it. So while he does come across as self-pitying, he also has that self-loathing that extends beyond his abilities and encompasses his character. But it’s not the true Haesoo.

    Orange_puss February 15, 2021 8:43 pm

    Ho ho i like this comment.

wonuyaaa February 11, 2021 9:12 am

taku stans: omg joowon doesnt even care abt haesoo. he’s just toying around with haesoo’s feelings constantly using haesoo for sex. haesoo is the only one suffering in their r/s and its all joowon’s fault!!! and how do we know this? cause haesoo said so!

real quotes from the story:
jw - “it hasnt been easy for a second. i was always on edge because of you”
jw - “dont fall for me and i wont fall for you. my dad is going to send me abroad otherwise and we’ll be separated”
jw - “i was just trying to protect us haesoo”
jw - “why am i the only one stuck in the past?”
jw: /doesnt have sex with haesoo but just wants to hold him while sleeping. constantly makes time to see haesoo out of his busy work schedule/
hs - “the relationship i manipulated because i craved an obsessive love”
hs - “i want you to tear down the walls i put up”

Yeahhhh SURE does sound like Haesoo is the ‘only one suffering’, and Joowon is the one toying with haesoo LOL pls. I question if some taku stans even read the dialogue sometimes.

    gardenfairy February 11, 2021 4:23 pm

    Idk if its just Taku stans who say that but... yeah you said only the truth. Idk why ppl regard everything haesoo said and did in such high regard lol. He was an unreliable narrator because he was so insecure, which is why he skewed and misconstrued joowon’s character so much. It even said his writing is a jumble of truths and lies

    smeraldo February 11, 2021 6:51 pm

    Those who think like that certainly lack reading comprehension skills.

wonuyaaa February 10, 2021 6:20 am

im bored. no loh this week :((( it's on hiatus till next week

    Tortugas February 10, 2021 1:23 pm

    Read Momentum or Wolf in the House, if you haven’t already.

    wonuyaaa February 10, 2021 5:37 pm
    Read Momentum or Wolf in the House, if you haven’t already. Tortugas

    I've read Wolf in the House, but will consider Momentum! ^^

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