im gonna miss these two so much ;_; gonna reread their cute final chapters over and over and pretend it never ended not gonna miss that annoying photographer though LOL
Does it ever strike you how manipulative Taku was saying shit like "I love you" to Haesoo like a week after meeting him, all because he wanted a story out of Haesoo before he leaves to go back to japan?? Joowon and Haesoo struggled for literally A DECADE because of their parents, and their step sibling past, unable to tell each other their true feelings or express their love. They went in circles and hurt each other so much over it. Because they knew the weight of those words and how much they could lose just by admitting it to each other (hell Joowon lost his relationship with his dad over it at the end???)
And yet Taku waltzes in says fake and insincere "I love you's" for the fun of it. Just to charm Haesoo and try to make him fall for him, alongside his plans to drops him after his exhibition and leave. Hated his dumbass face when this was revealed.
Yeah when you put it like that, the author really did that huh... Taku is literally a foil to Haesoo and Joowon's relationship. But not in a healthier, better way lol. He was flippant and careless about deeper emotions and feelings, while Joowon and Haesoo were anything but. Those two only downplayed their feelings and pretended they were insincere, in order to mask how scared they were of admitting their true love.
I still dont totally understand Taku's motives to this day. Who tries to make someone fall for them, just because they want to see a story written about them and for some drama or curiosity?
haesoo and joowon my sons are finally at peace, being lovey dovey, the way they always wanted to be but felt they could never. so happy for them. also haesoo you lucky duck, i'm glad you seem to appreciate the pampering your mans does for you.
joowon whining about why haesoo has to ruin the mood and haesoo just being like 'lol that's just how i am'. and jw still goes and gets haesoo a glass of water and comes back and holds him some more and gets all blushy and shy around haesoo. thats so cute. taco could never.
Honestly the uploader ruined the comment section with that panel of taku’s face in the end. Like the story is focusing on joohae rn? I know its a meme, but why must you shoehorn the mophead in even when we should be talking abt how sweet and perfect joohae are ugh
taku stans want to degrade joowon for fucking his "brother" (when haesoo aint his brother)... but forget how much taku enjoyed reading the story about joohae as "brothers", saying it's his FAVOURITE, and lowkey stalked haesoo-- going as far as requesting an interview when he's in kr when he never does interviews, just cause of that story.
like i'm sorry your fav was the most joohae obsessed in this story. "maybe what i loved about haesoo was his unwavering eyes on someone else" LMAO K
Yes. Taku was obssesed with their story. It was JooHae that made Taku even more interested in Haesoo. Then he became obssessed with wanting to win Haesoo from Joowon and caught feelings.
This is really how it is! But you’ll confuse them even more. Tortugas
If i tell them that taku very literally got on his knees and begged to be with a so-called “brother fucker”, and it all started cause he was literally obsessed with their story of being “brothers” in the past— they’ll be making a surprised pikachu face
If i tell them that taku very literally got on his knees and begged to be with a so-called “brother fucker”, and it all started cause he was literally obsessed with their story of being “brothers” in th... wonuyaaa
I think I once read a comment that said Taku didn't know that the story he obsessed over was about Haesoo and Joowon until later on. Which really shows lack of reading comprehension when it was hinted several times that Taku 99.9% knew until Haesoo confirmed it himself. He was more interested in Haesoo because he knew it wasn't just words of fiction. He wanted the "brother fucker". He was even goading Joowon during the photoshoot because he knew of their relationship and enjoyed thinking that he could steal Haesoo away from Joowon without Joowon knowing what was happening. The guy was obsessed with the so-called "brother fuckers" and even wanted one of them for himself. Goes to show how some people can't read, thinking Joowon and Haesoo roped Taku into their relationship when in reality Taku knew about it and inserting himself in it was very appealing to him.
but also taku stans: their relationship is so horrible. they just hurt each other for 10 whole years and couldn't even say i love you. I WONDER why!! must be cause joowon is toxic hehehehe (⌒▽⌒)
lmaooo like you dont understand why they couldn't say I love you? or why they hurt each other??? maybe read the first line of this comment since yall move exactly like jw/hs's parents. no reading comprehension, and no ability to reflect either.
the new chapter (104) is so cute T_T haesoo is so brave and bold with joowon, something he never is with taku. their dynamic and chemistry is SO PERFECT. joohae bring out each others true selves
im gonna miss these two so much ;_; gonna reread their cute final chapters over and over and pretend it never ended
not gonna miss that annoying photographer though LOL