Honeymoney asked a question

Hey guys what’s good so basically I’ve been trying to find this manga I’ve read before, it’s a super wholesome yaoi manga that had like approx 10 chapters and it was just about this spoiled kid getting a bodyguard from his dad that helps him get his life back together and start working but the bodyguard is a masochist, so every time the spoiled guy tries to insult him it just turns him on. Ok anyways if I say anymore it’ll be a spoiler for other people who haven’t read the manga yet but if u know what I’m talking about PLS respond xoxo

Honeymoney answered question about help me
It’s okay you’re not a psycho you’re not weird and you’re definitely not alone. This happens to many many teens especially during the time of puberty, it’s genuinely not your fault. Ok this is gonna be embarrassing but I’ve had a similar problem before, and long story short it was apart of my OCD that I got diagnosed by a psychologist. ......