foggy created a topic of Children of the Rune

Due the MC has suffered,enough just give him his sword man! What an immature character to torment a 12 yr old kid like that.

foggy created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

Guys is this worth the read?

foggy created a topic of Hard X Heat X Heart

Wtf was this? I highly doubt in real life anybody would offer to help a shady guy.

foggy created a topic of Swordmaster
foggy asked a question

Guys do you know any site where I can watch movies for free?

foggy created a topic of Driver's High

Looking at the comments I can finally binge read it now

She looks like a mixture of pig and octopus...cause wtf is that slimy ugly thing!?

foggy created a topic of Hold Over You

All of this is happening at the hospital. Just one door push and them butt cheeks exposed to all.

foggy created a topic of Under the Green Light

Man I have been letting this marinate since idk when and you're telling me that I shouldn't start yet(⊙…⊙ )

foggy like topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

no cuz i’m tired of this dum as twink like girl you said u don’t want a serious relationship with that bitch but here you are doing jumping jacks on his D like it ur workout routine…also is he not going to mention what the chairman’s wants with siyeon?? like wasn’t that your whole purpose in coming to that bitches room or was that an excuse to get fucked- like atp just say you want that dick there’s no shame cuz yall fuck every five to seven business day girl we seen it all.

foggy created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

The weirdest dik award goes to ~

foggy followed a goer
11 09,2024
foggy asked a question

Guys tell me about a random cute incident that happened with y'all (▰˘◡˘▰)

foggy created a topic of Corrosive

This twink as* bish is getting on my nerves like as if you're ever contributing have always been a liability ヽ(`Д´)ノ (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Ma'am all the best he will be the death of you

foggy created a topic of December

I have re-read this so many times I wonder when the official translation will catch up

foggy created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

please leave him!no more convincing yourself that you're imagining , girl you deserve love ╥﹏╥

foggy asked a question