In the first chapter in the novel, it was implied yuder had lost one eye in the first timeline (not sure if literally taken out or blinded) im kinda mad cuz i just found out and u cant tell in the first chapter of the manhwa
also his head got chopped off instead of hanged ig they changed it for censorship idk… Yumi
I hate how there was no trace of the cruel torture he went through plus they changed it for censorship but then hanging is much worse than getting beheaded
I hate how there was no trace of the cruel torture he went through plus they changed it for censorship but then hanging is much worse than getting beheaded Idol's incarnation
RIGHTTTT i mean hopefully when its mentioned again they dont change anything…
He needs to actually practice. He keeps on getting thrown into fighting demons he needs to practice his powers. Once he learn he can’t ’die’ he stop caring about his own life
He needs to actually practice. He keeps on getting thrown into fighting demons he needs to practice his powers. Once he learn he can’t ’die’ he stop caring about his own life Gup
Honestly the school is stupid because without him they would have died twice. The mc is pretty strong with the lack of information and training. He has a lot of potential
In the first chapter in the novel, it was implied yuder had lost one eye in the first timeline (not sure if literally taken out or blinded)
im kinda mad cuz i just found out and u cant tell in the first chapter of the manhwa
also his head got chopped off instead of hanged ig they changed it for censorship idk…
I hate how there was no trace of the cruel torture he went through plus they changed it for censorship but then hanging is much worse than getting beheaded
RIGHTTTT i mean hopefully when its mentioned again they dont change anything…