May or may not be shounen ai but sleeping beauty is female.
Guy meets someone on the way to the tower, magician maybe? he had a hat. Guy goes to the tower kisses or doesn't kiss her but either way sleeping beauty doesn't wake up right away. He goes back down the stairs and sees the person he met. Sleeping beauty wakes up and comes down the stairs but she is pretty much a skeleton, old and falling apart because its been so long. She falls off the bridge that leads to the tower. Maybe she did wake up and the guy was running away from her because she was a skeleton.
I'm trying to rearrange pics in one of my albums. Sometimes I don't have to hold down the button to move it, but idk how I did it. I tried double clicking and that didn't work. Anyone know what I did? It makes moving them much easier and faster.
I wanna know too. (≧∀≦)
under the album name there should be a couple of headings- edit album, add photo, batch edit, and sort photo. sort photo is what you want to click. hope this helps (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Ah, yes thanks. I've used that before but the pics are too small for me see what I need to and this album has a lot of pics. Under batch edit you can rearrange the pics too and I can see the captions and tags so it makes it easier to sort them.
Wait! If you don't use 'sort photo', how do you move it?
You can move them in batch edit too the same way. I'm just using a laptop so click and hold down then move on the pad. It's fine for moving to another close area but if I want to move it nearer the top or bottom, it's so slow even with the arrow all the way to the top. Sometime I do something that enables the pic to be "chosen" and then I can scroll quickly without holding down the button. I just don't know how I'm doing it.
Ah.. You do on "batch edit". If you can do "chosen" once in "batch edit", then there must be a way we don't have to keep holding the button there. I will try to find out too.
Thanks, I tried to contact the admin but when I click 'contact us' my comp. brings me straight to setting up a gmail account and I don't want to. There is no visible email for the website too. I'll keep you updated if I figure anything out
The better/faster way to contact admins is..
Go to any manga page, Click the lil flag to leave message to consult admins.
thanks, I'll do that