Kreamy_Stuff's feed

Idk what to feel about Cui Xin and his fetishization of wlw... Like Idk, man.. he looks like a very funny and love able character but that... that thing that bothers me the most.. him fetishizing wlw... or am I overreacting? Qi Lin and Cang Shu doesn’t seem to be bothered that much but idk.. I need people opinions about this. My mind will explode

Anyway, apart from that, the story is amazing! I love it very much! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Edit: Just to clarify, I just wanted people’s opinions about Cui Xin cus I might just be over thinking stuff. I think him shipping the 2 are ig ok?.. I mean he’s not really sexualizing them or something- but I still wanna hear other people’s thoughts