I want Jooin to end up with Yahwi, but like rn, I want Jooin to be happy and end up with Cain instead. I’m not going to hate Yahwi just cus of my change of decision, but I wanna understand Yahwi rn... Mans doesn’t even know what Love is. He just kept staying away from home and cried in the streets when he was a kid, so there is a chance that he really doesn’t know what that is. He don’t got no friends, nobody to lean on, and etc. I also wanna see more on Cain’s side, like how he knows Jooin and where he came from. I’m not gonna be siding with anyone starting rn, I just want Jooin to be happy. Idc wether he ends up with Cain Or Yahwi. All I need is to see more about their background stories and understand what is happening.