Sade created a topic of Shutline

Oh, fuck yes! This is exactly the kind of vibe I enjoy! Make it rough! Make it angsty!

Sade created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

I love how all 3 are so toxic for each other in someway! I believe in you, Yisu! Only you can bring peace through chaos! I would still love the peace to be brought through Yisu getting spit roasted *fingers crossed*.

Sade created a topic of Steel Under Silk

Chewing my bottom lip off with this! This story is too good! The sex, spectacular! The dialogue, to die for! The ML can just keep talking and I’ll nod and agree every time. I’d put up zero resistance. I would happily be in servitude just to hear his carefully crafted sweet nothings.

Sade created a topic of Steel Under Silk

Don’t know what some of y’all are complaining it about. This is hot as hell! More please! This seme is one of my absolute faves! Hair down?! Omg, yes!

And I know some of y’all are going to be like, ‘omg, it’s rape and you’re delulu.’ Well, I’m an adult and I don’t get reality and fantasy confused. Must suck to have a child’s brain while reading stories made for adults.

Sade created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

So expertly crafted! Sometimes when you read a story you can tell if things aren’t planned out or shoehorned in, but every detail felt purposeful and held so much meaning! I adored the roller coaster ride of emotions, and I’m so happy the story found its perfect ending.

Sade created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

please please please Threesome! I want Yisu spit roasted so bad!!!

Sade created a topic of PASSION

It doesn’t bother me that Ilay is so adamant to possess Taeui. This is the first time Ilay has felt this way and his character is set up in a way that is inhuman. He has so much power and ability that no one is realistically going to stop him from doing whatever he wants. He’s essentially a demigod and is treated by the cast as such. Of course someone on his level will take whatever he wants. Who will stop him? What consequences has he ever suffered from doing whatever he wants?

Taeui is the only person who can teach Ilay how to be human because Ilay wants something from Taeui that he can’t just take from him, his love. This is almost a ‘beauty and the beast’ type of story with Ilay being the beast. As Ilay becomes more human he will develop human vulnerabilities. This is the slowest of burns and I’m here for it. I never feel like the story is dragging, and it would realistically take a long time for someone to complete the character arch it feels like Ilay is on.

Sade created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

Binged this just now and I absolutely love it! The story doesn’t take its self too seriously, and that allows for entertaining shenanigans. I know it probably won’t happen, but I wouldn’t mind seeing a threesome, with Yisu being spit roasted.

Sade created a topic of Wet Sand

Anyone else feel like TJ is narratively being set up to die? It just feels like the end of his character arch is going to be him dying for Ian.

Sade created a topic of Abyss

I would’ve read 100s of chapters of the seme’s redemption arc. Would’ve loved to explore the psychological side of this story more. The seme growing attached to his prisoner. Perhaps the MC escapes, maybe even thinks he kills the ML, only to be recaptured. The ML killing an ally who threatens the MC. The MC realizing he’s developing Stockholm and actively trying to combat it. Man, this would’ve been so good. A shame it feels incomplete.

Sade created a topic of Codename Anastasia

Not sure if it’s the official translations or because I’ve read this multiple times now, but I understand much better what’s happening.

It’s also crazy seeing how people are talking about the rape in the comments. It’s there to be sexually titillating. You’re supposed to like it. It’s not real and, if you have a fundamental understanding of the genre, you know rape is a widely used trope in BL. If you don’t like it, don’t read. I liked it. I’m going to go read it again.

Sade created a topic of My Suha

Everybody’s so upset we got this gem of uncensored sex! I loved it! People are like, ‘it’s boring.’ What? It’s not everyday we get uncensored schlong in manhwa. This chapter is an absolute treasure. We’re reading erotica, people. Sometimes the plot is sex.

Sade created a topic of Wet Sand

So, who else will be happy with whoever Ian chooses? The story is great and the characters are all likable. There is no ‘wrong’ choice. Jo and TJ both have an equal chance with Ian. I, personally, feel like the story is edging towards Jo, with TJ being Ian’s past and Jo being the future. But I’ll be happy either way!

Sade created a topic of One-Way Romance

Absolutely love the comedy! It’s outlandish in the best kind of way! Please have another threesome! Also, artist had a real art level up. Loving their looks in the side story!

Sade created a topic of My Suha

Honestly, I like seeing how Jiwoon still has issues. It illustrates that even happily ever afters are not perfect. You are always a work in progress. It’s very relatable. I do love the mention of Siwoo and Dohyeok! I really want another side story, or whole series, with them!

Sade created a topic of Taming the Tiger

I feel like this story was perfect! It teared me apart and made me cry, but also healed me! Honestly, one of the best side stories I’ve ever read in a manhwa.

Sade created a topic of Warehouse

I love reading toxic stories with happy (or ambiguous) endings! I read Yaoi as an escapist fantasy, I don’t need a realistic ending. This story feels like it perfectly catered to me!

Sade created a topic of Form of Sympathy

Story was beautiful from start to end! These characters and their lives are super relatable. Yuri’s brattiness being tempered, but never really going away. Seonwoo learning to not to let the guilt eat him up, though it’s ever present. They have flaws that the other can work with and that’s what makes it beautiful. You don’t have to be perfect to be loved.

Sade created a topic of Wet Sand

I feel like Jo is end game, if there is one. People forget that we are certainly living through an age of ‘subverting expectations’. Ian could leave both of them. It’s still considered BL since the majority of the story contains gay relationships. So this TJ vs Jo could be a moot point all together.

The reason I think Jo is end game is because it is highly unlikely for a decade plus long relationship, that historically hasn’t worked out, to suddenly work out. They have too much baggage with each other at this point. If it was going to work out between TJ and Ian, Ian wouldn’t be sleeping with Jo. It would’ve already worked out. Jo has a better opportunity solely because him and Ian do not have a messy past.

I love all the characters, but they all have their problems and none of them are perfect. Which is a big reason I love this series! If Ian ends up with TJ I won’t be disappointed if the story makes it work, then it works! Where we are in the story right now just feels like either it’s Jo or no one, in my opinion.

Sade created a topic of Black Mirror

What a treat for those of us that like dark and heavy themes! As a binge read, I was on the edge of my seat! If I was reading this as it was released I probably would’ve been frustrated at having to wait.