there should be a part, when he could lose his ass virginity to her!this need to happen! there better be a side story because rn it feels incomplete :3 they just keep hinting at it in the middle and left us empty at the end.if i was a dude,then it will be like being hard over someone,just to find out that they want you to be friends
"Oshioki Gakuen" and "daddy taste like butter" plz reply ur thoughts about it after reading it uwu(≧∀≦)ヾ(☆▽☆) my mum caught me reading these two,they r me fav
decided to read them both, theyre both weird. daddy taste like butter left me speechless and in disbelief- what did i just read.... but atleast oshioki gakuen made me laugh a little LOL
It was smth like gurl I thought daddy taste like butter was just a manga with a misleading title but I did not expect him to be a pedo and zoophilia like I was shock when his so called SON was a dog
there should be a part, when he could lose his ass virginity to her!this need to happen! there better be a side story because rn it feels incomplete :3 they just keep hinting at it in the middle and left us empty at the end.if i was a dude,then it will be like being hard over someone,just to find out that they want you to be friends