save me gently— the development of the story and the characters was there and it's awesome, i wanted to see more of beiguang's mom and him, monitor's mom and sis, and a glimpse of beiguang finally getting out of the cage (2/3)
save me gently— aww, this is sooo good, it didn't go that deep in every backstories but the emotions through the screen is fricking beautiful, i felt everything! i was gunna drop this because of the scanlation but didn't and let me tell you, im glad i did not (1/3)
one piece dj - afterward— whaaaaaat, you got me all riled up and stopped??? ha, rude.
bad friend— rigon's gotten more suggestive, honest, and playful which is so fucking hoooot. haon is still as cute and adorable as always (he's also very HOT!)
too deep in love— the memes are killing meeee HAHAHHAHA , the story is fine i think jk it's cute tbh
kimi ga kawaii riyuu— AAAAAAAH, SO ADORABLE! I LOVE THIS!
kimi ni wa todokanai— hehe, this is cute.
19 days, 395— damn, they ain't playing with the arts.
19 days, 395— hetian, this isn't you dawg .
she li, desuuuuuurb. ( character development please ). lil mo , im so proud of yooooou, i love you so much, id give you all i have rn! i would do anything you tell me to, i love you!
star x fanboy— as i thought, i like fluff best! this made me feel the feels ive felt (whaaat?) when i was still exclusive in reading wholesome stories. ive been putting off reading this for a long time and I MISSED OUT! ILOVETHEM
highschool boys trapped in a fantasy world— moreeee???
the new employee— jiyeon is so AAAAAAAAAH, also im happy for the both of them, stay inlove gay ass bitches
yowamushi danshi, renai hajimemasu— i love this, but im still upset over the kiss. why do they have to include this type of things to improve one's character to be honest (can't they do something elseeee???) ☹
omega to akuma no sefure jijou— i didn't expect much, but this is so niceeeee! i love them
the fairy bath thief— thought they looked like rigon and haon, so i clicked on it and it did not disappoint. i love this.
19 days— for god's sake, she li.
kawaii senpai no kaigoroshikata— oh well, they do their thing and live happily ever after.
kanade's sister and sensei's daughter are
kawaii senpai no kaigoroshikata— i honestly don't know how to feel, (the weight between my morality and my greed to read these types of manga) but i love it?? it's kinda cute and it's bad but not THAT bad,
+ i really hope to find a yandere manga with no rape-y scenes soon. (1/2)
shota oni, massage chapter— oh man, they look really genuinely happy (they do everytime, but, they really stood out this chap. can't wait for tsubaki to grow older and finally be able to show his feelings that yuu doesn't seem to take seriously (as he should)