Nvm I wanted that Gabriella to have a character development but I changed my mind
That idiotic, narcissistic, selfish, arrogant, thick skulled, annoying, two faced, eyesore, disrespectful bitch who doesn't know her place can just die off somewhere in a ditch. Those fuckers that are her brother and father can join their precious trash of a sister fucking siscon and daughtercon. All they care about is that bitch smh, all these chapters have made me nothing but pissed and thirsty for bloodshed of this shitty family I swear (ಠ_ಠ)>⌐■-■
can the white haired dude just go to hell with the rest of her fam, i feel annoyed. also that shitty Gabriella is now tryna suck up to her now that she's become the head of the family. bitch TAKE THAT HAH I'M SO PROUD OF MY GURL