nadia's feed

nadia like topic of 19 Days

Plz do not mind me stalking the comment section.
This time I hope this explanation was clear since someone dm me for this and I think it’s important for the confused ppl to understand, so I’ll just copy paste my answer :

Here we go :
- We go from pee chap to sad chap but those chaps aren’t related, pee chap was just a classic absurd humor of the author.
- This chap seems sudden but wasn’t out of blue. Old xian already planned the angst from chap.348 but just distracted us with funny moments before torturing us.

For the meaning of this chapter :
- Ppl are confused since they thought that something happened and what is the reason of this angsty/sad chap. However this chap just shows us more about Mo and He Tian "current/daily struggles" in a night : He Tian worrying with his family problems and the school transfer, Mo with his financial problems and the train of thoughts passing through his mind (probably frustrated with his feelings for He Tian too) which makes him anxious like this. At final it’s more like nothing happened "yet" and it was just us overthinking too much. However something is going on and this chap is like a "trigger" of the future angst.
- So about He Tian telling Mo he will leave was just a theory bc ppl were confused. Even if Old Xian has a tendency to skip some panels they will not skip the fundamental ones.

Update: Actually I was wrong in some part of my explanation, something "happened" but as I precise it isn’t related with "He Tian’s leaving" as pple supposed, that’s the only thing I mistook, the rest is correct. So basically another drama added to the story that’s why I didn’t except it to happen : He Tian and Mo are in a "quarrel" again since Mo lost his job, and ch.361 is the backstory of ch.360, now it’s more clear however PREPARE yourself and your mental health for future chapters...