Y’all I read the Korean chapters (I bought them like a proper law abiding citizen) and oH My GoD hOLy SHiT

So, I don’t remember exactly how things happened even though I read it this morning (KST), but here are a few points of interest:
- Taesung punches the bully, who then leaves Haebom alone. The orange haired bully starts hanging out with other people.
- Taesung’s friends start befriending Haebom. (The girl, Ji-ah, stands up for him at one point.)
- Haebom and Taesung’s mom do some bonding
- Taesung flashes back to when he was a little kid. His grandma took care of him because his dad is useless (according to his mom) and his mom works a lot. His mom, who back then always seemed a little angry (she was very stressed out) brought him to meet Haebom. Haebom was super sweet and bright. Taesung was really shy. After TS and HB have met several times, TS overhears his mom talking on the phone with HB’s Mom saying she wishes she’d had a girl so their kids could get married. My Korean isn’t great but I think she was also complaining about the hardships of raising a kid without a partner. HB’s mom chastised her by saying, “Hey, what if Taesung overhears?” And TS’s mom said she’d been taking her anger out on TS. TS starts crying. Then the next time he sees HB, he says, “My mom doesn’t like me. I’m a girl so we can’t get married.” And HB comforts him and says, “Why can’t we get married? Marriage is between two people who like each other.” And you know the rest at that point lol!
- After the flashbacks, TS reveals (just to the readers and himself) that he likes HB.
- Yonghee (TS’s blond friend, his full name sounds like “quietly” in Korean lmao) figures out that TS likes a boy (not necessarily which boy though)
- TS confesses to HB and asks him out
- HB thinks of ahjumma and starts to say no
- TS interrupts him and says not to answer right now
- TS forces a kiss, because he has reason to believe HB does like him, which makes HB cry, and TS felt really bad about it
And that’s the note on which chapter 26 ended. If updates are at midnight KST, it should be another 30 minutes until chapter 27 comes out. Even if you read this you’ll still be in for a few cute surprises!

where do you buy the chapters?

where do you buy the chapters?

I’m willing to buy the original chapters (my Korean is... not great, but I can read enough to get the general gist of what’s going on) but I just can’t figure out how to do it? I’m in Korea right now, and I even have a bank account here! Why is it so hard!!

Here's a guide in how to buy the raws http://snowflowerscans.tumblr.com/post/167117409208/how-to-buy-from-mr-blue

Y'all gotta stop saying (and thinking) that this is about "finding love" or whatever. This is not a love story. It's a thriller revolving around a hostage situation with 2 unpredictable, emotionally imbalanced characters. Sangwoo is not being sweet or cute or whatever. He's playing the manipulation game when he tells Bum, "I don't think you're disgusting." Sangwoo is a psychopath and a sadist (in the psychiatric sense), and he doesn't actually understand what Bum is experiencing emotionally, and he isn't capable of empathy. His saying that was an attempt to restore things to the way they were before the suicide attempt and to ease his own psychological distress about being like his father. His logic: 'I say Bum is disgusting -> Bum gets upset and tries to kill himself. So if I say I don't think he's disgusting, he'll be happy again and I can reassure myself that I'm not like my father.'
Everything Sangwoo does, he does for himself. That's not love. And Sangwoo is making this all about himself because he is fundamentally self-centered. (And Bum doesn't love Sangwoo either. At this point, any outward expression of "love" from Bum is a survival tool.)
So please don't romanticize this and give the "haters" actual material with which to criticize this fandom. It reflects badly on Killing Stalking and Koogi.

The way the dad "tested" the MC really rubbed me the wrong way. I think it'll be okay for Ritsu since he did have someone there to tell him it wasn't his fault, but even if you've got a good reason, it's awful to cause a child legitimate distress like that. My mother is verbally abusive, and even though I'm in college now, I still suffer from anxiety and depression at least partially because of that abuse. So, the sort of thing that that dad did really doesn't sit well with me and prevents me from fully enjoying something that's otherwise a good story.

For me i don't see it that way. I ve seen parents do that to their kids if they misbehave or in this case refuse to eat and then scream for treats. I don't think it was to test the other guy, it was a form of discipline for his kid; u refuse to finish ur food, u don't get treats and don't throw a tantrum. The fact that he went to buy the ice cream was because he could trust the other guy to calm the kid down so he can behave. I don't think he intended to cause his kid distress. He seems like the kind of parent to put their kid first. Sorry about your experience, my mother is my greatest source of inspiration as well as a major player in my low self esteem. I struggle with loving her and fearing her at the same time.
I’m actually rooting for Araki to snatch the president. I mean, his plans seem a little sinister, but I’m hoping that when they fail (because they will), both the viewers and Kyujo see a new side to him and then Kyujo decides he’s interested. Because Kyujo’s rotten and so is Araki (though to a lesser extent I think), and I really hope they get each other out of the way lmao