Hold my lungs the fuck out, where did y'all read that mikoto loves her brother in a romantic way? She's actually always being teased for having a brother complex (which she doesn't have) because she has a handsome brother. I don't know if we are reading about the same manga wtf. Do better at school, cause y'all reading comprehension seems to be questionable.

I don’t remember exact scene but there was one that hinted it ( hopefully wrongly ) and that’s why so many people got impression she is into her brother - she said that she also has ‘impossible’ love and it won’t be required while looking at her bro - if she was lesbian why wouldn’t she tell her brother?

Cmon now, everytime it’s implied about her crush, why are all flashbacks of her BROTHER?? She said in the beginning she also liked kakaru but then that storyline never came back and instead it seemed like she only said it for no reason? She also said “I have an impossible love” while literally getting a flashback to her brother, which is super weird ?? I get that it may be how her brother is being taken by kakaru because she came to depend on him as a kid, but that’s never implied heavily nor supported by anything, and her whole outburst about idol love because it seems like she relates to it, given ofc it’s super bad to like your bother? Idk, I think you’re just trying to gloss over it cuz it’s a cute manga, but we shouldn’t pretend like there aren’t weird underlying vibes
can someone tell me if there is an unnecessary romance going on here?
The main character, even if someone is interested in him, is clueless and uninterested in such thing as romance. He only knows war and family.
thank you! im going to read it!