So many don't give a shit actually I wish they took it seriously or even hated them but...
Depends on genetics! I got screwed by a injury in high school so now doing literally anything sucks but my siblings all have grown up amazingly!
Honestly, yes your body changes in your 20s. But it's kind of like a second puberty! (Not fun ik). It does affect hips, face, acne, etc. But if you're taking care of yourself you should be a-okay!
I've been in denial about memories I've had as a kid and I'm pretty sure one time my brother who was 10 and myself who was 7, he had something I wanted and said I could get it if I stripped naked in the closet I still fight myself on it just being a weird dream
Nah because if I'm rich I'm just doing my own thing. I'm aroace, and couldn't give less of a shit about who I marry too so like if I'm in an arranged marriage OH WELL! Don't give a shit if the FL takes them or not, or if they're old. Cause I do be a women and would have to get married anyway.
Anyway, my staff is getting fair wage, days off, and h......
I've read up to the public english translation, which I think is at 560s, maybe 530s! But it's killing me to not be able to read the rest of the English novels, IT'S BEEN YEARS I'M BEGGING
The ending does seems a bit rushed, but it could of been so much worse. I would love to see more of Ruby, and her story, maybe we will someday! If not, well my heart goes to Ruby, and it's a tragedy truly.