Just Confused February 16, 2025 12:38 am

Manga/hwa similar to a link between relationships

Just Confused February 6, 2025 1:14 am

Manga/hwa/hua like hidden love cant conceal. Wiyh the brothers friend/friends brother troupe.

Or popular x unpopular/nerd where the unpopular/nerds appearance doesnt change and their personality doesnt magically do a 180.

Just Confused January 24, 2025 7:43 am

I want a manga with the main couple kinda like qin xiong and xuezhang (thats what hes refered too idk??) From tamen da gushi

Just Confused January 11, 2025 5:19 am

I have a manhwa in my head or manga but basically.

The two are coworkers but outside of it they are exact opposite. Its a 'she was a punk he did ballet' type g tho hing. The dude wore lolita dresses, the girl was very masculine.

And they confuse each other for the other gender

Just Confused January 8, 2025 4:39 am

I fibd myself here when i need hood recs on thibgs and im back again (bc yall know the good stuff)

But i want a manga (manhwa/hua included) where the main couple (bl gl or het idc) act as if they dislike each other or dont know each other in front of people but behibd a close door theyre being cute with each other.

Id prefer if they dont act scared like someone'll notice. But i dont particularlly care

Or itd be cool if no one f8nds out til an event happens and theyre just nonschalant say 'yeah weve been dating for awhile man like 2 years ir smth'

Just Confused December 13, 2024 1:56 am

Me and my friend were talking about this manga where the mc wants a boyfriend with a big dick but he always ends up with guys that have small dicks and he is caught drunkly crying about it by the MC.

Just Confused December 10, 2024 4:29 am

I want a rival, 3nemies to lovers, secret lovers kinda thing so please help!!

Just Confused December 10, 2024 4:27 am

Reccommend anything im feeling adventurous

Just Confused December 8, 2024 5:48 pm

I want to read a manga(hua/hwa are good too) where the main couple are a couple but to the public eye (their coworkers/classmates) theyre friends/rivals or they seem to not know each other other than work related.

I read one (forgot the title) it was a guyxgirl and the were coworkers. I want something like that. But not that one as ive read it

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