Before i felt like huilin was the source of jaehees problems but now im realizing jaehee has a bunch of baggage of her own.
Jaehee basically left home early and struggled to find her footing and im guessing when she did she was proud of herself... skip ahead a couple years (or smth idk) and she finds out huilin might have paved the way for some of this stuff imagine how hard that hit her self confidence. And she was living with huilin (i believe), which AGAIN had her on the streets because of people she should have been able to trust.
Now with sul hwa asking her to move in shes being reminded of her trust issues with relying on people.
Huilin is a ducking control freak and is so overbearing in relationships she oversteps the consent and comfort of her partner
Sulhwa is insecure and constantly doubts her herself and jaehees love for her, this causes her to also be subconsciously controlling, and ofc its not like shes healed from all the trauma from being an ORPHAN
Jaehee has major issues in term of herself and dealing with others. I just dont think she(like any of them) is emotionally ready for a relationship like she needs some therapy because she gives off so many emotionally under developed vibes. Its like every person she dates is gonna have to deal with all her baggaege.
Apart from all the f×cking trauma all of them have collectively id say jaehee has the most and most impactful for the long term I think at this point they all just need to take a break from their personal relationships and heal.
CONGRATS You read all that, have a medal buddy

Im pretty sure ji ah and the red head arent girlfriends but still it bothers me how inconsiderate she is of her emotions and its not like she doesnt realize shes just to busy with her revenge. Also i feel like the red head is gonna double gross ji ah becuz of it, which would turn into some crazy shit. Also for some reason i think the husband is gonna rpe the wife at some point in the story and also i think the 'milftress' is gonna be fucking him and the red head, but the red head is fucking ji ah, but ji ah is fucking the wife(not all at once ofc but i think its gonna be a massive love triangle)
No really i literally lost my shit when she showed up