le$bianDisaster17 August 11, 2023 10:47 am

Wth.... that ending is so fucked up She decided to get with her step sis to get other the death of her parent? Yikes. I feel like she took advantage of song yi, people saying stop during sex and the other person just continuing always icks me out in smit manga. Also the whole talking about her as a kid during sex. Weird ass ending/epilogue.

le$bianDisaster17 July 22, 2021 7:21 am

Jin-woo was like "oh- you saying this is fatal? lemme just *uses status recovery*

Monarchs: *surprised pikachu face*

le$bianDisaster17 July 19, 2021 10:49 am

This story has really gone down the drain, it makes me kinda sad so many sapphics are fighting in the comments i just want to go back to the good days when heekyung slways looked like she was plotting sum khun level evil plan ╥﹏╥

le$bianDisaster17 July 19, 2021 10:46 am

First off RAPE IS NOT OKAY UNDER ANY FUCKING CIRCUMSTANCE and CONSENT IS MANDATORY in all situations, so for those if you asses in the comments with your 'she deserves it' bullcrap get the hell off of this planet you scum.

If you dont want to see people getting treated roughly during sex and enjoying it or there partners enjoying it then stop reading it because it a bdsm manhwa. In chapter 25 sulhwa did become overly possessive and cross the line, in this situation the second jaehee felt her life might be in actual danger she used the safe word, sulhwa stopped immediately and apologized.

Unlike huilin who has been told to stop multiple times and is taking advantage of jaehee while she's intoxicated. Huilin is sexually assaulting jaehee because of this; in chap 59 jaehee clearly stated she would like huilin to stop and even attempted to run after using force but huilin stopped her and is continuing. That is RAPE, and not okay.

Sulhwa and huilin and both overly possessive in a toxic way and jaehee craves the attention she lacked as a child, What im saying is that jaehee (and all of them at this point) should be in a therapy office not a relationship at the moment.
Also: young is mvp in this story and CONSENT IS ALWAYS MANDATORY

Tldr: they all need therapy, young is mvp, consent is key

    Thatskindagayngl July 20, 2021 12:42 am

    Jaehee should get therapy while Sulhwa and Huilin go to prison or get killed off. I'm sick and tired of those two "love interests" and want them gone, I don't care how, I just want them gone

le$bianDisaster17 July 19, 2021 8:18 am

Insect monarch is attractive and dayum jinwoo might not make it outta this one. i mean really im scared the plot armour might break-

le$bianDisaster17 July 13, 2021 8:26 am

Fuckit. fuckit all. Fuck all the ships. Fuck all the hotness. Just get some fucking therapy! ALL OF YOU DAMMIT! ALL OF YOU JUST NEED SOME FUCKING THERAPY EXCLUDING HEEKYUNG EVEN IF SHE IS CONCERNING SOMETIMES ALSO LENA

le$bianDisaster17 July 6, 2021 12:40 am

Im just waiting on the lbd to hit so these two stop fucking like rabbits

le$bianDisaster17 June 30, 2021 11:23 am

Im sad but i want the best for creators health

le$bianDisaster17 June 28, 2021 12:02 am

One word. Doona. I mean damn i can relate to her alot tbh, not wanting a proper romantic relationship, being atractted to innocence just to ruin it, wanting to break down the strong or arrogant and make them beg for you. My sadomasochistic ass has way to much fun reading this i swear ( ̄∇ ̄")

le$bianDisaster17 June 27, 2021 8:38 pm

Jaehee is annoying she still wore the damn dress and let Huilin do her hair acting like it was just for work. She really needs to friggin pick. Be with sulhwa, be with huilin or just fucking be single and hop around with different dommes, the way she acts like sulhwa just doesnt have feelings and doesnt evn matter is fckin annoying.

    jorie June 27, 2021 11:38 pm

    Fr I feel she's just fooling herself by saying stuff like "oh huilin is forcing me to do this and that. I have no choice..etc", it's all just excuses.

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