I really don't want to believe that Tom is cheating on the seme 'cause I like Tom he's cute, but he was hardly putting up a fight. It's like he's not as emotionally invested in his current relationship as he was earlier, which is very sad. I want to see him and the seme make up, but they NEED to communicate better, the seme doesn't deserve what rim is doing to him and I feel bad, yet I don't like thinking of Tom as the bad guy. I also really hate their neighbor. (。-_-。)

Same, although right now, Tom is on the list of characters I just don't know how to feel about until the ending. He has so many thing that cans save him. He can straight up tell Jaemin about what happened and what he did. Telling the truth is always better for me instead of lying for days. But that doesn't really save em. It would really be up to Jaemin. And also Toms future choices. I am literally just going on and on because I'm scared.

First of all, shouldn't Geumsoo be dead?
And second, it was almost like he wanted to die. He got smashed in the fucking face with a fire extinguisher, and then his next course of action would be to provoke the person holding weapon, which resulted in him getting the rest of his limbs broken.
I know Namsoo is kinda crazy but I love him so much, he the highlight of my day. His revenge was impeccable, and i am almost certain that if the other police officers did not step in Geimsoo would not be alive.
Lion is so adorable