Im fine with uke wanting to lose weight as long as he does it for the right reason and himself. Keep in mind uke was skinny once and gain weight after unhealthy binge eating bc of mental issues, so losing weight for the right reasons would be better for his mental health. After all, bingeing was his way to cope with his issues, but now he doesnt feel like bingeing anymore, wouldnt that be a good thing?
I fully agree. Well said. I too have gained a lot of weight (40 kg) due to depression and the effect of medication. I wish I could find the motivation like Jun to lose weight. Not for someone else, but for my own health and well-being. Just like Jun is doing. There are only positive benefits of losing weight when you are very overweight. Jun should be applauded for his will to change.
are you hearing yourself... ? there’s no such thing as a right reason for someone to lose weight, just let people be fat. also, everyone’s mad 'cause this is quite a common trope in mangas. to have the main character being fat ( for once ) and then suddenly making them lose weight just because woah fat peoples can’t be shown having anything such as a happy life or a lovely relationship without becoming skinny again.
I mean yeah it's a popular trope but pertaining to this manga, the mc reason for losing weight is valid. He binged eat to cope with his problems and now he's thinking of changing himself for HIS best. How can you say that's not a right reason for someone to lose weight. Actually u dont even need a "right reason"to lose weight, once it's not for unhealthy reasons.... their body their choice u just sound ignorant
Of course, there are many reasons for people to lose weight. There is no valid reason for anyone to be obese (if you don't have a sickness that messes with your metabolism). Being severe overweight is a growing health issue in every western country.
Jun became overweight because he was depressed. Now he isn't depressed so why should he continue to eat. A lot of people uses food as a way to drown their feelings. It isn't healthy, for the body nor for the mind.
Everyone that loses weight in a healthy way is an inspiration. And there is a big difference between being obese and having a body with curves, a bit of belly and so on.
There should be characters in mangas that's somewhere between obese and skinny or guys with muscles.
Sana okay ka lang teh. Well anyways, there is always a right reason for someone to lose weight like almost everyone has said he gained weght because he used it as a coping mechanism of some sort, being fat because of that is never okay because it is unhealthy. Some people can't help getting fat since its kinda in their genes or something and its okay, but in his case it is not. You should be actually glad or something since he is shaking off that bad habit for good and somehow help himself be on the best side for him.
Btw, i get that some are angry or pissed with those usual tropes where someone at some point the chara is fat then now is skinny or have this perfect body. But the difference here is that there is an actual reason that is laid out on why he became fat and why he is now trying to lose it. Ive read some with plots like this but its never explained or seen why they gained weight and then they loose it after a few years just because. Those ones are irritating tbh but this one ain't like that
Uke couldnt live a happy life not bc hes chubby, but bc he had depression. And bc he had depression, he binged to cope and gained weight. Now hes better mentally and wanted to love himself by taking of himself, u have a problem? His weight loss is an indication that he’s in control of himself and his life now , unlike when he was depressed and couldn’t control his bingeing and weight gains. He’s losing weight now bc he takes better care of himself, better eating habit and diet.
When i was depressed i gained a lot weights, from binge eating, laying home in bed all day and not leaving my house to socialize. When i was doing better, i started exercise again, eat better, leave my house and move more. The weight loss comes with it and started to feel more confident not bc I’m fit, but bc I’m in control of my life, how i look and feel. This is not abt fulfilling the common troup “ugly person turns good lucking bc they lost weight”, this is abt the uke taking better care of himself both mentally and physically.
I hope you are doing well and please dont feel down if u havent found ur motivation yet! The fact that u r conscious of ur health and wanting to be healthier both mentally and physically is the first step. Mental health and wellness journey is complicated and takes a long time. Please believe that one day you too will find the right motivation to move forward! Wishing u the best and stay safe!
so, let me tell you something as a fat person myself : it doesn’t have anything to do with you ! you people always suddenly become interested in someone’s health only when that person is above what you think average weight is. also, not you thinking that we’re not allowed to be fat AND confident... yeah, excuse you ? just so you know, many fat people are, in fact, healthy. so, stop pretending to care when you want just to hate on us ! :3
I am bloody obese!! I know perfectly well how it is to be overweight.
And it's not healthy to be obese. It's a big different being obese and just overweight. Obese is a medical condition. It's not just about "being big and beautiful". It's literally dangerous. And telling people that it isn't is irresponsible.
Being obese, there are bigger chance of getting cancer, diabetes, being depressed, getting cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis.
This is serious and nothing one should just embrace.
Uk some of us used/are chubby too right? Dont use “us/we” when u r only talking from ur own perspective and narrowed mind. U dont get to decide how all bigger ppl feel, bc some of us dont share the same opinion as u. Nobody in this thread claim chubby ppl cant be confident, only u jumped to ur own opinion. Funny thing is i havent seen once cmt saying how uke should lose weight or he looks better being sknny, etc. But only ppl complaining abt his weight loss. What happen to their body their choice lmao? If uke doesnt feel confident/healthy being bigger it is not ur place to put him down for that. Not all chubby ppl share the same experience as u. So damn ignorant
Recommendation for yaoi countryside based fluff?
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/rumspringa_no_joukei/ (lowkey~ish)
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/see_you_later_mermaid/ (i think this one?)
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/tantan_to_tanto/ (warning: seme has a big dick)
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/orokamono_wangel_night/ (i think this one too? don't remember)
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/koi_kamo_shirenai/ (maybe?)
sorry, i'm not sure which of these are not fluff, but the majority are. especially the stories towards the top.
This is a cute fluffy story that takes place in the countryside!!!
When i say i want to grow old with someone, this is what i meant.