Why do these techniques have to have such flowery names. They seem so needlessly ... artful. And why announce them? Everyone nods as though telling your opponent know which attack you're about to deliver is a smart move. If you're so confident that you think it's okay to let everyone know what you plan to do, why not just call your hot move something more realistic like "Smack that Idiot" or "Kick those Gonads" and be done with it?

They both have some serious mental and emotional issues. I like that the story has taken a positive turn, but Emperor Kyle's a long way from being good daddy material. As for Elan-Ellen-Lala, or whatever her name is, I get that every stupid thing she does is based on a reaction to her fears about him, but these impulsive decisions which end up endangering her children have to stop. I wish they would sit down and have a sensible heart-to-heart chat.
Umm ... what the frick is an unembroidered stomach? And, pursuant to that, what the frick is an embroidered stomach?
w a t
Chapter "Special" 23, page 40 ... "Your stomach is becoming unembroidered" . I mean, what the everlasting fuck? That must have been one helluva hernia operation.
LOL Maybe he meant that he filled her stomach with enough of his semen and it’s too full to hold anymore! (▰˘◡˘▰) Maybe it’s his dirty-talking way to say that he hopes he’s impregnating her since filled to the brim!
Sheesh... the guy says so much during s€x until I want to tell him: “Dude, shut up!” but then I wouldn’t be able to laugh at his dirty s€x talk!
LOL, he talks so much it's like he doesn't actually want to be there. I can't even ... do you think he thinks his peen is a needle?
He talks so much’til I don’t want to be there!
Ohh... Maybe he meant that he hasn’t etched his initials or signature deep enough inside of her yet to show she belongs to him! (⊙…⊙ ) I mean, he’s been spelunking for a while now, so I’m not sure how much deeper he wants to go!
Yeah, it's so gross. (/TДT)/
I wonder if the slut-talk is a trend? A few years ago, it was fluid squirts, so every picture almost required its own self-basting sauce label. Now it's cringe-y sports announcer-style narrative.
I’ll be glad when this phase passes b/c the dirty talk some of them utter is ridiculously annoying and more of a distraction and a turn-off! (︶︿︶)
Total turn off.
lol imagining him say all that like a sports announcer