Even if your hunch is right on the money this time ... maybe ... probably ... people have been known to sniff shirts to see if they need laundering, not necessarily because they're ready to loose the love-hounds. You could give her the benefit of the doubt, since it's not as though she had her nose buried in his underwear.
But the shadow force which Leslie manipulates seems to be made up of the resentment, fear and despair of the family's murdered children. So, if it was the most powerful children, the silver-haired and brown-haired ones, who were murdered, would that necessarilymean that the darkness was stronger? Because I'm having a hard time believing that hair colour has anything to do with the power of emotions.
That was weird and unexpected.
Would anybody respond well to someone blanking out in front of them and trying to harm herself like that? I expect most people would likely be very concerned, sympathetic and try to help, but they would probably take her sanity into serious consideration and back off. I wonder what the count will do.
I'm hoping he remembers that she has been systematically targeted by people in and out of her family her whole life, and realizes that this episode was probably not self-motivated at all. But, you know, even that is creepy because how would you ever defend yourself against it? It's like sitting next to somebody who attracts lightning.
The big plot twist ....