Don't like this heartless turn of events as it stands. I'm feeling very sorry for Gu right now. Ning didn't put this scheme into action, but her reaction stinks of opportunism at Gu's expense, and lacks grace. I hope there is a more satisfactory resolution in the works.

We're obviously not meant to care about Gu because his hair isn't as billowy and his robes aren't as pillowy as Minister Chu's, but he did have the good taste and sensibility to fall for Ning, and he did save her neck during the last or second-to-last scheming episodes. So why is he being punished for this by forcing him to marry the tantrumming toddler-woman.

You’re right! I’m thinking that even though she doesn’t care with the way she helped make a bigger deal of the situation it could have helped Gu not marry that girl or at most take her as a concubine and still be able to find a main wife he liked later, not sure it’s gonna work out with her family involved tho.
Great story! I enjoyed this.