angelbaby May 20, 2018 4:38 am

I was so expecting taein to be using hojun or playing a mind game with him or something that I didn’t even really appreciate the fact that... this... was.... nice..???

angelbaby May 10, 2018 8:44 pm

now I honestly just want this to hurry up and come to some kind of conclusion already... I feel like it’s just being dragged out now

    youraedthiswrogn May 10, 2018 9:41 pm

    This^ What is the point of this arc? To get Siwon with the other guy? If he does it's going to be a VERY unsatisfactory ending as he'll only have gotten Siwon through underhanded means with Siwon saying no and if not (if they don't get together) then this was all pointless... I guess it's just porn? I wish they'd used a character we weren't already invested in being with another character... The irritation makes it impossible for me to enjoy the sexiness...

angelbaby April 3, 2018 1:00 am

MAYBE instead of RUNNING AWAY anytime any sort of drama happens you CALM THE FUCK DOWN and TALK IT OVER with each other you FUCKING IDIOTS

angelbaby December 23, 2017 2:21 pm

I love this so much but... I just... want more. I never feel satisfied with manga endings recently. everything is finishing with a missing piece and I don’t know why, maybe I get my expectations up

angelbaby December 4, 2017 8:50 pm

this is obviously a pretty weird manga... I mean... his dad is a goat-human hybrid that ended up raping him, but.... I need more. I just. need it.

    2-Le-Bitch-2-Quit December 4, 2017 8:59 pm

    The goat is called Father as in title for a priest, not a literal father.

    Pumpkins December 4, 2017 9:01 pm

    He's not his dad. Since he lives in the chruch he mean "father" as in the priest.

angelbaby November 30, 2017 7:06 pm

Ok why is it so hard to just tell him that he’s the evil guy and to get away from him but nooo communication is impossible for whatever reason

angelbaby November 16, 2017 11:57 am

of course he falls off a cliff is this a joke just fuck already for the love of god

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