No hate for the series but yu seems to be a bit of a gary sue.

How so? Not trying to stir a debate, just curious as to why you think so. He seems like your average uni student to me - attractive and friendly, but stands for himself like most gay kids in school/college gotta learn how to do and isn't overly nice nor the absolute badass. Is that because he can play the piano?

I mean I can get behind him being a normal student but the whole 'I'm gonna put my hands on another student and nothing Is gonna come of It' thing Gary sue-ish, I haven't seen more than what's posted here already so I hope It's addressed because that was assault.
(also as a comedic side note Li sometimes looks like bobby hill (⌒▽⌒) )

the bobby hill comparison nooooooooo lmao
but uh I don't think I'd call that gary sue-ish? don't know how things were for you in school/college, but if someone provoked another student like wang ming did they'd settle things similarly and no one would bat a lash lol. besides, what would he say in his defense? he was being a homophobic piece of trash. guys like that don't go asking for help because most of the time people already know they are awful and probably won't mend their ways anytime soon.
tbh I'm more worried about yuyang being targeted for his confidence in his sexuality. if what he did keeps wang ming away from him, then I'd say it was what he deserved, honestly.
"he is cute" that smirk makes ya seem like a cheeky bastard my dood.