Why is this even a question. Rape is obviously worse than cheating?! They’re both shitty things, but forcibly getting into a situation that you are uncomfortable with and getting both psychically and mentally hurt is a lot worse than finding out your partner cheated on you. In mangas it’s lowkey romanticized and even normalized which is absolut......
Rape ofc cheating isn’t shit compared to rape.
Rape. You can get over your partner cheating, tho it may leave you heartbroken. But rape is a whole different story. im pretty sure that everyone who's been raped has trauma afterwords. Some people may get over, but it changes you
There's a reason why one is a crime and the other isn't (or used to be in many countries, but now isn't). And readers who can't distinguish between fiction and real life need to get a therapist, seriously.
I feel like rape is the worse, because you can get over somebody cheating but you can never get over the time somebody does that to you.And that may affect your love life from that tragedy.I know a person that went through that,and it makes me also ashamed of how people are in this world.I feel like you can make up with a person that cheated on yo......
Of course it's rape. Its sad that it's even a question. In my opinion reality or fiction do not matter- rape is a horrifing crime and when I read mangas with rape scenes in them (which are alot obviously) I always feel sad and disgusted... I don't undarstnd how people would prefer a mc that raped rather than one who cheated.

I mean I dont know why people even compare Killing stalkin with this.. because this is way too fucking worse.. I have always avoided to read this one but decided to give it a shot.. I fuckinh regreg every single page I've read because im on verge...

RAPE or CHEATING, Which Is Worse?