Yes they shouldn't be. But the action of reading does not disrespect and entire populationand promote false ideologies such as rape and homosexual relationship. The story literally could've gone without the need of prayer it doesn't change anything. If you don't believe in religion then think about it like this...if someone disrespected your mother and spread false rumours about her, wouldn't u get mad?

Yh but that's their fault not the teachings of the Qur'an and Islamic ways itself. Just because one does not follow it properly does not reflect the religions beliefs. School promotes good behaviour but not evryone follows it and that doesn't mean the rules of the school are bad and wrong. Is what I was trying to say
Who else came from the anime version in netlfix? I SHIP THEM SO BAD didn't know it's shounen ai I got so gassed
I'm curious what did you think of the donghua without knowing anything about the story
I watched the anime cuz it looked different from every other anime I seen, seemed a bit bland from the cover and start and seemed historical but the characters were sooo hawt I kept watching and I just got more and more info it. And when San Lang came into it I kept shipping them. Honestly it's so mysterious I love it and I hope the anime is also shounen AI. I didn't know what to expect the story line to be I thought it would be some basic plot that just relies on the art style. It still is kinda different from what I normally watch like not as much action and quite slow paced. ITS ALSO SO COMEDIC TOO SEE THE TWO ASSISTANTS ALWAYS FIGHTING AND BEING SUS OF SAN LANG. SORRY THIS WAS SO LONG HOW DID U FIND IT
Also I've not really read the donghua properly I skipped a lot just to see if anything extra happened but there wasn't much of a difference and I wanted to see if there was a continuation from the anime but sadly there wasn't
omg it's okay hahaha I'm glad you liked the donghua!! donghua stands for chinese animation btw ^^ I watched the donghua after reading the novel and manhua but I felt like it would be so confusing to watch for new people but it sounds like you enjoyed it so that's good haha~ the art style is definitely one of the best things, I especially love the art in the manhua but yes the first arc is a bit slow but it'll get better and better! check out the novel too if you don't mind reading books :3