Am I the only that dislikes the idea that Vivian and ren might end up together? I just hate ren his character design is lame he’s a shady guy that fakes his personality in front of Vivian because he’s actually a piece of shit in reality and he’s literally being a disservice to Vivian and a waste of her time looking for someone who’s been beside her all along by not telling her the truth about his true identity meaning his willing to let the world end if he can be with her which is the last thing Vivian wants I’m sure she’ll hate him when she finds out the truth.
On a side note Ludovica and Vivian have great chemistry it’s like a cherry on top I want to see them together more. Unlike ren Ludovica shows her real personality and has so much affection for Vivian and that slap was just perfect I couldn’t thank her enough for that. She stood up for Vivian in front of everyone and didn’t care what anybody said now that’s real girlfriend material!. Mean while Vivian only thought of ren as a brother up until now in chapter 23 all of a sudden that changed?! which I find ridiculous it’s so forced at this point and you can tell. I hope ren falls off that fucking boat and misses the chance to kiss Vivian. Anyway # luvi x vivi

I’m not pushing anything I just think the direction the plot is going in with Vivian and ren is forced and way to sudden like how are you gonna tell me that for 22 chapters Vivian had no romantic feelings for ren and all of a sudden in chapter 23 during the boat scene that changed it literally unfolded in one chapter you can’t tell me that it wasn’t forced also people can have their own opinions I just dont like rens character and happen to like Ludovicas character more as a love interest I don’t know why your so mad about that I honestly don’t care that this manwha is straight (possibly) if that’s what you care about and I wasn’t talking about the genre being comedy I was talking about the romance plot and critiquing it as well as voicing my opinion if you don’t like what I said just move on you didn’t need to leave a reply
New chapter in 13 days