I don’t understand why some of y’all want his memories to comeback ?? Hope it never comeback this will be to cruel for joooha

i agree, but my heart also hurts a bit reading this i hope he doesn't remember and im glad the get a chance at redemption but it feels so bittersweet to read, like everything is okay but it really isn't. after all this, it doesn't feel like things will keep going well, even if they might. im forced to admit the storytelling is on point

The question is should you pay for something you did in your last live century’s ago ??

Well I think to a certain extent because like when the guy that killed the mc (rlly bad with name sorry!) he attempted to kill him again, so it’s like he was destined to be this person and that’s all he’ll ever be. But like with the king that just wanted the mc to hisself. He didn’t really face any kind of hard ship after his first life. All that he truly lost was the mc but he had already lost him from the day he tried to keep him lock up in the palace.

It’s basically the tale of Sisyphus (not to be confused with syphillis). Sisyphus was ordered to push a massive boulder up a mountain and every time he got close to summit, the boulder would fall back down to the bottom of the mountain and he was forced to keep going for all of eternity. His crime was definitely not enough to warrant an eternity of punishment but that’s just how karma works. You do something and the universe will make you pay tenfold. For the amount of misdeeds the prince did during his first few lives and continues to do, he will probably never be able to get out of this endless cycle. To quote a guy I saw on insta “if I was to piss in a glass and give it to you, no amount of sugar will make it okay. I could fill the glass to the top with sugar to try to drown out the piss but all it would end up feeling like is a glass of piss with sugar on top. You need to remove the piss and clean the glass for any sugar to be accepted or just replace the whole glass to begin with.” Even if you continue to do good deeds, it will never override your bad karma unless you genuinely gain a blank slate. It may feel unfair but the solution is actually super super simple. It’s just really hard to obtain a blank slate.
What is the chapter of the flashback ???