I still feel horrible for the actual Robellia..He literally killed her.She showed him so much affection and did so many things for him simply to earn his attention and love, but this big dog shit never considered her feelings and always stared at her pathetically.It would have been nice if the plot involved reincarnation.

All lily wants is someone to fuck her in the name of love.She just wants a membership card for the Duchess's harem.

She doesn't want a membership card for for the Duchess's harem. Lily just wants to feel wanted, she wants to feel love. And regardless of how to Duchess does it or shows it, she's that desperate for validation and feeling wanted that it went passed her just how manipulative and toxic the Duchess really is. Even her flashbacks to when she thought about everything, you can tell homegirl didn't think and just decided on Duchess based on the fact that the Duchess would do her and that Anna wouldn't
This is getting ridiculous..Screw royalty, nation, and everything..Just flee to another country with ariadne..
Real, they should just gather money and elope!