it’s a bit of a slow start i wish they would expand on the relationship between the two more because they are supposed to already have history with each other but act like they don’t but i guess it’s too early for important lore, byul’s approach was a reach but i’m guessing that’s the point because byul is trying to find any excuse to talk to siwoo im more intrigued by the upcoming backstory that’s gonna be shown later in the series between them since they’ve hinted at it like twice already

i ship soojin and tae so bad

smutlum created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

GUYS LETS NOT JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS TOO SOON!! I gonna give sunbae the benefit of the doubt and HOPE he’s actually just admiring him sleeping and being happy that they are finally together (please please please)

smutlum created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I seen that coming but both of them being at the door?!?

smutlum created a topic of Insomnia

why did i enjoy the read?? we are lost causes..

smutlum created a topic of Prostate Capture Report

no real plot just some porn and I have no complaints, USE ME DOCTOR!!

smutlum created a topic of Waterside Night

the way i would’ve gave taejun the nastiest sloppiest head after all this

smutlum created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

woojin is so fine he’s manipulating me too

smutlum created a topic of Waterside Night

no way i’ve been rereading the same chaps over and over and im just now realizing

smutlum created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

please tell me i wasn’t the only one who read all the way to 106

smutlum created a topic of Can't Think Straight


smutlum created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Yall mad at cirrus and stuff about what he did, IM A CIRRUS APOLOGIST & I LOVE MY PETTY KING! First of all imagine his frustration after seeing Skylar talk to his crush/old crush (idk cuz he blushed when he came) with no issues but freaks out every time him and Skylar are seen together id be pissed not to mention the bump on his forehead skylar gave to him. How is nobody understanding cirrus?? The deleting messages tho is mad crazy not justifying but it just shows how insecure he is and you can’t even blame him. I can already tell how this fight is about to go down in the next chap because Skylar really is abt it and he’s not just going to take that

smutlum created a topic of Dark Fall

why is the plot actually good tho

smutlum created a topic of Backlight

One thing bout me tho I loveeeeee a toxic story >:)

smutlum created a topic of Limited Run

Not the side story being better than the main story but anyways this ending just shows how this author isn’t good with endings because the mains story ending was just as bad as this one

smutlum created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Honestly I understand what Cirrus is so frustrated abt Skylar is way too jumpy abt them being tg like cmon the same way those two guys pulled up could’ve been the same way him and Cirrus did it’s really not that serious. Also yes Cirrus can be manipulating but him expressing how he needed reassurance is actually real Skylar is way too scared of being in a relationship with Cirrus and clearly Cirrus needs physical touch and words of affirmation. I know they could talk all this out fs im so scared for the next eps because ik the big argument is coming!! :(

smutlum created a topic of Dark Fall

Umm there are actually people who don’t mind reading just smut the plot is just for show the author stated how they wanted to just make a smut story and here is it can we just enjoy the fun? if you want a plot read something else lol.

smutlum created a topic of Jinx

So glad he got the shit slapped out of him, If Dan is supposed to end up with anybody I hope it’s potato!

smutlum created a topic of Jinx

Bruh I thought after dan wiped his tears he was gonna lock in and become heartless to Jaekyung really wish that happened. I’m bias so ofc i didn’t want Jaekyung to lose because Dan wouldn’t want him to lose but i’m glad he felt some pain in there just wish Dan didn’t have to suffer the consequences!

smutlum created a topic of Jinx

Hoping baek jumin hands jaekyung’s ass right to him & i’m so here for it I hate to say this and sound a little sick but as sad as it might be it’s abt time for granny to go I feel like her death will change dan so much as a character maybe it’ll even be the start of his villian arc