I cannot express in words the anger I felt when he threw the rings I understand he was in pain but omg I wanted to cry for my bby Sooin I felt so bad his expressions when he threw them he prepared them for him and he just threw in the street :(((( “That was mean!” aweee he’s so cute!!!! I hope they got the rings back tho frl ( ̄へ ̄)

I’m sorry but not y’all actually considering dropping the story because of the storyline it’s turning into. This is what you call a good plot I’m sure the author was planning for this but where does your loyalty lie, just because the plot is getting serious and it isn’t all dicks and cuteness anymore. This is called a hell of a good story damnit !!!ヽ(`Д´)ノ

I came here after finishing the anime ofc. I really wish we got proper clarification on what really happened to him since the death theory seems so out of the ordinary for the story. And why is nobody talking about the scene where the girl comes in with a newspaper of him in America feeding the birds? Doesn’t that mean he went to America??
Taeho honestly has to be the dumbest uke I’ve ever seen. Not only did he stay in the car with Jiwoon after getting his phone after clearly being told by Seojun to stay after from him, this man receives a drink from him (still the same person your partner told you to stay away from) and drinks it ON THE SPOT that has to be the dumbest shit ever!! He didn’t even take it to drink later like any other sensible human or don’t drink it at all ヽ(`Д´)ノ