smutlum May 5, 2024 7:20 pm


smutlum May 5, 2024 7:14 pm

Yall mad at cirrus and stuff about what he did, IM A CIRRUS APOLOGIST & I LOVE MY PETTY KING! First of all imagine his frustration after seeing Skylar talk to his crush/old crush (idk cuz he blushed when he came) with no issues but freaks out every time him and Skylar are seen together id be pissed not to mention the bump on his forehead skylar gave to him. How is nobody understanding cirrus?? The deleting messages tho is mad crazy not justifying but it just shows how insecure he is and you can’t even blame him. I can already tell how this fight is about to go down in the next chap because Skylar really is abt it and he’s not just going to take that

    misa <3 May 6, 2024 10:42 pm

    i get where you're coming from but I feel like I disagree on the parts u find "crazy" and what you're defending, first of all I wouldnt compare jealousy/insecurity to paranoia, what Skylar did was wrong yes but that's due to paranoia and his ptsd due to homophobia and was not on purpose nor did it harbour any intention to hurt cirrus , while cirrus on the other hand like u said is just petty, jealous and insecure which ofc I also totally get but resorting to physical violence is definitely a no go for me, i personally found the deleting messages more understandable and something I'd look over than hurting Skylar on purpose just because he was talking to Chan il, it really doesn't matter if Skylar still has lingering feelings for Chan il or not, hurting him on purpose is not okay.

    smutlum May 8, 2024 6:08 am
    i get where you're coming from but I feel like I disagree on the parts u find "crazy" and what you're defending, first of all I wouldnt compare jealousy/insecurity to paranoia, what Skylar did was wrong yes but... misa <3

    Yea I can understand this, for me Skylar’s paranoia is causing him to physically hurt Cirrus although it isn’t out of anger it was still intentional, he definitely doesn’t have to push him around like he always does. Not to mention the fact he never opened up to Cirrus about his past which causes him to act like this so I could only imagine Cirrus’ confusion and, I would think he would act this way around Chan il considering it was the fact a crush traumatized him not his own bf (if i remember correctly.) I don’t support Cirrus hurting Skylar on purpose at all so I definitely won’t defend that but, that wasn’t really sticking out to me as much due to Skylar’s reaction to realizing Cirrus has been deleting his messages. Probably because I know Skylar can take a hit. But this is just showing Cirrus’ obsession with Skylar and how toxic his behavior is becoming cuz that’s some psycho shi I def couldn’t look past that. It’s clear as day these two got issues that need to be worked on. When you look at it nobody is worse or better than the other they just need some communication. I can see both sides but my favoritism to Cirrus be getting me ready to defend him because nobody be talking abt Skylar’s behaviors!

    misa <3 May 8, 2024 8:41 pm
    Yea I can understand this, for me Skylar’s paranoia is causing him to physically hurt Cirrus although it isn’t out of anger it was still intentional, he definitely doesn’t have to push him around like he ... smutlum

    ya I get it, but tbh I'm coming from a very neutral pov, i can't defend anybody, but no matter how I see it, miscommunication aside we both know cirrus needs to work on alot of issues compared to skylars PTSD which like u mentioned he hasn't come clean about to cirrus, but hey he obviously doesn't want to hurt cirrus intentionally comon it's really just the situation, but ya I get it, and ya Skylar can take a hit I won't disagree but this seems quite serious to be just "take a hit" but well either way, i hope they come over this, i know it's going to get worse from here onwards for a while and Skylar is definitely going to hurt cirrus' feelings, praying for them tbh, and honestly I think I'm going to take a break from this manhwa let it marinate for some time and start reading when I see spoilers about them "communicating" and sorting things out, also if it's not much trouble, can u give me few recs bl or gl which is like romcom, completed and like healthy green flag relationships, i really just wanna read some happy shit man all my ongoings are going through their "miscommunication" or just issues era in general I can't take it anymore

    Kob May 9, 2024 9:44 pm

    Sigh. You do realize Chan ill was a crush and they weren’t actually in a relationship, right? So if someone accused them of being in a relationship I’d only be a fleeting rumor and it could be proven as a lie. But Cirrus and Skylar are ACTUALLY in a relationship. Yes, they can play it off, but just the fact they’re in a relationship that could possibly be exposed stresses Skylar out and it’s really not hard to get if you just payed attention to his backstory. And just because Skylar liked him before doesn’t mean he can’t talk to him? Cirrus had no right to chug a water bottle at Skylar because of his insecurities. And you can understand Cirrus but the reason for what he did something ≠ making it okay.

    misa <3 May 9, 2024 10:10 pm
    Sigh. You do realize Chan ill was a crush and they weren’t actually in a relationship, right? So if someone accused them of being in a relationship I’d only be a fleeting rumor and it could be proven as a l... Kob

    fr fr I agree

    smutlum May 14, 2024 7:19 am
    ya I get it, but tbh I'm coming from a very neutral pov, i can't defend anybody, but no matter how I see it, miscommunication aside we both know cirrus needs to work on alot of issues compared to skylars PTSD w... misa <3

    lollll i’m such a toxic storyline fan by the go to healthy bl would be cherry blossoms after winter!!

    smutlum May 14, 2024 7:41 am
    Sigh. You do realize Chan ill was a crush and they weren’t actually in a relationship, right? So if someone accused them of being in a relationship I’d only be a fleeting rumor and it could be proven as a l... Kob

    Coming off strong i see

    smutlum May 14, 2024 3:10 pm
    Coming off strong i see smutlum

    no way the rest of ts i typed didn’t submit…anyways regardless anyone could make rumors abt Chan li & Skylar just the same ain’t no damn difference just guilt! The only person who would know if Cirrus and Skylar are actually saying is Cirrus and Slylar, I could understand if the rumor was already out and he was acting like this but that’s not the case. The problem is Skylar not being able to treat Cirrus as a friend more or less a bf. Skylar wouldn’t even be able to handle being seen with Cirrus and that’s where the problem lies. Skylar literally was taking photos of Chan li and has a whole album for them like a creep anyone could’ve saw that yet Skylar took that risk regardless!! He could do the saw with Cirrus and actually treat him like him bf! Skylar liking him before and talking to him so freely but can’t even talk to the person he’s dating in that manner is actually insane it’s like he’s more comfy with an ex than his own bf, and that’s where Cirrus’s jealousy comes in. Anyone is Cirrus’ position would’ve tweaked and yall KNOW DAT! Like i already said before I never agreed with Cirrus’s actions i clearly admitted he was wrong for ts just because I understand his reasoning behind it doesn’t mean I supported what he did. Talking about some “if you paid attention to his bs” like ts wasn’t seasons ago I could go reread ts rn and still clear, clock itttt!

    misa <3 May 14, 2024 7:01 pm
    lollll i’m such a toxic storyline fan by the go to healthy bl would be cherry blossoms after winter!! smutlum

    girl i read that so long ago lmfao

smutlum April 29, 2024 3:51 am

why is the plot actually good tho

smutlum April 26, 2024 4:16 pm

One thing bout me tho I loveeeeee a toxic story >:)

smutlum April 23, 2024 4:05 am

Not the side story being better than the main story but anyways this ending just shows how this author isn’t good with endings because the mains story ending was just as bad as this one

smutlum April 20, 2024 5:04 am

Honestly I understand what Cirrus is so frustrated abt Skylar is way too jumpy abt them being tg like cmon the same way those two guys pulled up could’ve been the same way him and Cirrus did it’s really not that serious. Also yes Cirrus can be manipulating but him expressing how he needed reassurance is actually real Skylar is way too scared of being in a relationship with Cirrus and clearly Cirrus needs physical touch and words of affirmation. I know they could talk all this out fs im so scared for the next eps because ik the big argument is coming!! :(

smutlum April 19, 2024 4:44 pm

Umm there are actually people who don’t mind reading just smut the plot is just for show the author stated how they wanted to just make a smut story and here is it can we just enjoy the fun? if you want a plot read something else lol.

    OrGlob April 20, 2024 5:30 am

    There's literally leon with tentacles in the title pic, why are people expecting plot

    Holachica April 20, 2024 7:41 am
    There's literally leon with tentacles in the title pic, why are people expecting plot OrGlob

    cos the author mentioned there'd be some in season two :((

smutlum April 3, 2024 1:33 pm

So glad he got the shit slapped out of him, If Dan is supposed to end up with anybody I hope it’s potato!

smutlum March 27, 2024 10:47 pm

Bruh I thought after dan wiped his tears he was gonna lock in and become heartless to Jaekyung really wish that happened. I’m bias so ofc i didn’t want Jaekyung to lose because Dan wouldn’t want him to lose but i’m glad he felt some pain in there just wish Dan didn’t have to suffer the consequences!

smutlum February 20, 2024 4:36 am

Hoping baek jumin hands jaekyung’s ass right to him & i’m so here for it I hate to say this and sound a little sick but as sad as it might be it’s abt time for granny to go I feel like her death will change dan so much as a character maybe it’ll even be the start of his villian arc

    ANA February 20, 2024 7:44 am

    I feel like the favor she asked for might be in the lines of “take care of yourself and don’t let anyone step on you” or smth along the lines that will push Dan to his villain arc. But ISTG if we don’t get a villain arc for him…!!! Imma throw hands

    smutlum February 29, 2024 5:52 am
    I feel like the favor she asked for might be in the lines of “take care of yourself and don’t let anyone step on you” or smth along the lines that will push Dan to his villain arc. But ISTG if we don’t ... ANA

    ouu that’s a good one i’m thinking it might be her saying that it’s okay for him to just let her go, to enjoy his life, and not stress over her dying since he’s been keeping up with the treatment for soooo long it’s so crazy how he has no life outside of her

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