That bastard looks like how he did before. I hoped his surgery would have been botched. But the best plastic surgeons can’t fix the ugliness of his soul

Chris created a topic of Dangerous Convenience Store

June 20! That’s sooner than I anticipated, super excited for this to come back. Also thank you for your hard work translation team

Chris created a topic of Your wish is my command

I read the raws and I’ve read some of the comments and people are rightfully upset and Hwan is a trash character. I was getting so upset with this author but you know what hit me? Have you guys noticed the genre tags on this manwha? It doesn’t say “romance” What if that’s intentional, what if this isn’t supposed to be a romance and feel good story. All their other works have a romance tag but this one. My theory is the author was playing us from the beginning. Maybe it’s not supposed to be a happy story

To be clear I’m not excusing Hwan’s behavior as a matter of fact I’m more sad than anything cause it seems like either way Chiwoo is getting the short end of the stick and he deserves sooooo much more. I know he’s a fictional character but my heart aches for him

Chris created a topic of Will You Subscribe?

Why is Hanseok so dumb, he’s confronted about being hypocrite for criticizing sex in the office when he did it too and his go to response is to call milk tea loose????? What kind of leap of logic did he dooooooo

Chris created a topic of Under the Green Light

Brandon Lee is giving big Daddy vibes

Chris created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Okay so I decided the re-read this whole manwha because I was starting to get a little bit lost but anyways I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before but the art for Taesung and Sooyoung have come a very far way. The drawing has improved a lot. Not to say the earlier drawings were bad in and off itself but compared to now their character design is much more consistent and detailed

Chris created a topic of Yours to Claim

55 chapters in and this is the very 1st time we get a kiss scene and it’s not even with Yawhi and Joo-in despite then having sex multiple times. This story is so backwards

Chris created a topic of Exotic Love

I’m so conflicted… Like on one hand I just want Yoon to forgive him and for them to just be happy but on the other I can’t ignore the awful things Jung did in the past so there’s just too much hurt between them for their issues to be resolved so simply

Chris created a topic of Love Jinx

At this point it should just be a BL with multiple pairings

Chris created a topic of Solo Leveling


Sung-Woo deserves a “day off” just being considering all the bullshit he’s went through and will go through soon

Chris created a topic of Thirst

I forgot that this manwha was uncensored and where the last chapter left off so when I opened the chapter and the 1st thing that greeted me was a butt hole and dick I almost fell off my chair

In any event this was a great chapter!

Chris created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

There interactions while having sex is so fun, I like how they can laugh while doing it.

Also Inseo may not realize it but no way in hell this is “just sex” for him, he’s probably already started to fall for Yi-Hyeok

Chris created a topic of Black Mirror

Lol just coming back to comment that the red eyes really scared the crap out of me. Not to sound all “I’m such a tough person” but horror BL’s have never managed to scare me but the red eyes caught me soooo off guard, like I was literally shook

Chris created a topic of Black Mirror

I’m not complaining about the ending itself or the direction the author chose to go because let’s be honest there was only one of two ways this was going to end; they somehow never get caught and live happily ever after (which was the ending we got) or one or both of them end up in police custody/dead (I call this the killing stalking ending).

So yeah I’m not complaining about the ending itself BUT the story ending especially where and when it did feels very abrupt and rushed.

Chris created a topic of The new employee

I have to say, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the art style and drawing for this manwha. Like this chapter has some of the best facial expressions I’ve ever seen across the board. Like how the expressions go from erotic to shy to cute to playful… *chef’s kiss*

Chris created a topic of Red Candy


My emotions were all over the place for these two chapters

Chris created a topic of Dear Benjamin 1.5

Came to ask if anyone knows when this was coming back, saw various comments say June 7th, I’m so happy

Chris created a topic of Full volume

Beom is such a sweetheart that Mr. Kwon needs his ass beat

Chris created a topic of Lucky Paradise

I absolutely love the best friend Woojin. Like I really look forward to his appearances in the chapters. I would love if we got a spin-off with Woojin and a potential partner when this series end. Like I don’t even want side stories I want a whole manwha dedicated to him

Chris created a topic of Solo Leveling

I’m really glad the author choose to let his Shadows have a personality. Jin Woo’s interactions with them are really so sweet and funny